Crossed Pt. 1

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**I didn't make one for Slabtown (Beth and intro to Noah)  or Self Help (church bus crash, Eugene in the self help section, Abraham's flashbacks, we find out that Eugene is a fraud and gets the shit beat out of him) or Consumed (Carol and Daryl together, Carol getting taken to the hospital where Beth is located), because there's no scenes for the main group (Rick, Carl, Judith, etc.) , it's just all about Beth and Abe's group and Carol and Daryl where they've been at, and Cassidy wouldn't be with them, so yeah.**

***hope you like it, sorry i haven't been around***

We're making the church safer. Daryl came back and was safe, but he didn't have Carol with him. Instead, he brought some guy named Noah. Sasha has been hacking at church pews with an ax, so we could use the wood to nail the windows. Carl, Jake, Charlie and John have all been nailing the wood to the windows. Allison and Stacy have been babysitting the kids, I've been helping Dad and Michonne outside nail boards to the windows as well. 

My dad was been explaining what Noah's deal is to Michonne and I. 

"He wants to go to Atlanta, but I can't have that."

"Then you stay. I'll go." Michonne offers. 

Dad shakes his head, and he says "I owe it to Carol." 

"We all owe Carol."

"Don't forget Cassidy, we all owe her as well," Carl chimes in, walking by. He ruffles my head like a child. I slap at his hand and blush. 

Dad looks at me, pride in his eyes. I look down at my feet. He wraps his arm around my shoulders as he says, "well I owe Carol more." 


I'm standing by Carl by the front doors when our father comes with Judith in his arms. He kisses the top of Judith's head, and hands her to Michonne. 


Dad turns to us and hugs Carl first. 

"You sure you don't want to come?" he asks me, reaching his arms out to me, wanting to bring me into a group hug.

"Doesn't matter to me," I shrug, shuffling into his arms. His arms squeeze Carl and I tighter, and I know that it's a no. I'm staying. It was a rhetorical question anyway. 

He places one hand on Carl's right shoulder, and his other on my left shoulder and looks us both in the eyes.

"We'll be back soon."

"We know," we say in unison. 

He smiles, looks at us and Judith one last time before he leaves, and he turns and goes, closing the door behind him. 


Judith begins to cry loudly two minutes after Dad leaves. I pout, her innocent small body pushing against Michonne as she pats her back reassuringly. Carl stares at her as Michonne puts her in her basket, Judith screaming louder. I help Carl put the barricades on the front door, me holding the board on one side, and Jake shows up from a room to hold the other. Carl hammers in a nail with a post from the front of the room, and Judith continues to cry. Allison crouches next to her and begins to talk quietly to Judith, trying to soothe her. 

I look around the room for Gabriel. He's kneeling on the floor, and he's scratching at something. I realize it's a blood spot from when Gareth's group was killed. He's scratching desperately, and I suppose it doesn't work, so he spits on his sleeve and begins to scrub furiously at the stain. 


OKAY GUYS!!! WHAT IS UP?? i havent updated in a while im sorry but i kinda wanna start up again. Hope you guy still like it. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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