Cassidy Grimes: No Sanctuary, Pt. 1

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(A/N*** My stories tend to be long. This is my first story, and I hope you like it. This one is about Cassidy Grimes, and if you read the description you would know who she is. This is a fan fiction about the Walking Dead.

AND YES, I KNOW, I AM A COUPLE OF WEEKS LATE. I APOLOGIZE. I started writing this a week after the Season 5 premiere. And, no, I will not start at the beginning, it would take WAYYYYY too long. Anyway, I hope you enjoy (: The girl on the cover is supposed to be Cassidy, just to let cha know)

I wiped some blood off of my wrist. I stared with disbelief at the dried walker blood on my katana. The one Michonne gave to me after she had gone on a run. She had gotten Carl some comic books, and my dad a razor. I will say, my dad DID need a shave. But I also thought he looked good with with a beard. Showed what we went through. What he went through.

I shuddered at the memories and focused at what was ahead of me. A fence. A large one. I wouldn’t dare climb it. Too risky. I put my fingers in one of the slots of the wire fence. I stared at what was inside. Terminus, a supposed sanctuary. I hoped the signs were right. My family might be in there. If my family and I are going to live somewhere, I want it to as safe as possible. Yet, who knew if they were even in there at all?

I let my fingers trail on the fence while I walked around the perimeter of the building. My katana was swinging at my side, and that was the way I liked it. But I wanted my family next to me. But I shook that thought from my head. I would get that soon enough.  They were inside the fences, I knew that. I’m positive. I just had to settle in with this place. Then we could live, a normal life. Okay, about as normal as you could live with the Zombie Apocalypse. We could be an actual family, and Judith could grow up and walk and run and play, and Carl and I could just relax and be regular twins. Glenn and Maggie could have a kid, if Maggie was actually pregnant. I doubt she was, but it would be nice to have another child in the group, to play with Judith. ”Judith,” I whispered to myself, while clutching a locket that had a picture of my family. Well, one side had a picture of me, Carl, Dad, and Mom. The other side had one of Me, Carl, Dad, and Judith. The picture was taken by a camera that Glenn had found while on a run.

“UGHH,” I groaned. I let my thoughts get the better of me. A walker was stumbling towards me with arms reaching towards me with what was not even 1 foot of space between us. I kicked it back, and stabbed it in the head. I stared at the thing, the death sentence, and a lost soul. I shook my head, and I heard what sounded like a gun being loaded. “Put your sword down, and any other weapons you have,” a shaky but firm voice said while I stared into the nose of a rifle. I looked up into the eyes of the guy who said that, and my eyes narrowed. “Or what,” I challenged him. He got quiet and lost the little confidence he seemed to have.  “I’ll…umm…I’ll take you to my dad! Trust me, you don’t want that!” I scoffed. “I think I can take him. Move,” I growled. He scowled at me. “Why?” he asked while putting a lock around two chain links and to my irritation, he locked it.

I stared at it. “DUDE! My FAMILY is in there! Let me the fuck in!” I shook the fence gates that I was in front of roughly. “Ok, stop! I’ll let you in if you can give me the name of one of the people here,” he offered.  I sighed in relief, and put my katana back in its sheath. I took a deep breath and recited:

Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Michonne, Allison Waters, Charlie Henry, John Ingram, Stephanie Ingram, Michelle Ingram, and Nick Ingram.

I ended with a sneer as he stared at me with surprise. “You named most of the people in car A! There’s also a Chinese guy, and some girl who won’t let go of him. Then there’s another pair of lovebirds, but, hey, I’m already letting you in,” as he stuck a key in the lock. I started to smile, and said the other two pairs of names. “Glenn Rhee and Maggie Greene. Sasha and Bob Stookey. Oh, and by the way, He’s Korean,” I smiled at him. “Whatever,” he said while smiling nervously at me. “Wait, you said Car A. What do you mean? Where’s my family?” His eyes widened at my questions. “N-Nothing, I meant nothing,” he stammered. “Forget you,” I pushed past him. He grabbed me around my waist and lifted me. “Get off me!” I screamed. He laid me on the floor and covered my mouth. I started kicking, but he whispered in my ear, “Look, I’ll tell you where your family is. But, I’m not even supposed to be telling you this. Who knows what my dad could do to me. Your dad is somewhere different from the women, kids and teenagers like us. The men are separate. If you’re looking for them, be careful about it. Don’t let them hear you, see you, anything. If you’re gonna save your family, save your dad first. He’s in the most danger. The others are okay. For now. If you’re gonna save your dad, do it now. He doesn’t have much time.”

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