Strangers Pt. 2

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"How'd you survive here for so long? Where did your supplies come from?" My dad questions him, walking up and down the aisle, Judith clutched at his side. "Luck. Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it. It was just me." Carl walked up to Dad, and said "Come here Judith," and Dad handed her to him.

"The food lasted for a long time, and then I started scavenging. I've cleaned out every place nearby. Except for one." "What kept you from it?" my dad asks. "It's overrun." "How many?" "A dozen or so, maybe more." Gabriel replies.My dad nods. "We can handle a dozen."

"Bob and I will go with you," Sasha offers, "Tyreese should stay here, help keep Judith safe." Tyreese blushes, and I smile.

"That'll be okay?" My dad asks.

Tyreese nods, "sure. You need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here."

"I'm grateful for it. And everything else." My dad shares a hint of a smile with Tyreese, and I'm grateful for it too, the little family we have.

"I'll draw you a map-"

"You don't need to." My dad interrupts Gabriel, "you're coming with us."

Gabriel smiles nervously. "I'm not going to be of any help. I mean, you saw me. I'm no good around those things."

My dad doesn't care. "You're coming with us."


"Listen," Dad says, sitting Carl and I down on a pew, "I don't trust this guy. And-"

"Why?" We both interrupt. He stares at us.

"Why do you trust him?"

Carl shrugs. "Everybody can't be bad."

Dad chuckles. "Well... I don't trust this guy. And that's why I'm bringing him with me. But he could have friends. So I need you both to stay alert and help Tyreese protect Judith, okay?" We nod, figuring he's done, but he continues, "Now, I need you to hear what I'm about to say, okay? You. Are. Not. Safe. No matter how many people are around, or how clear the area looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe. It only takes one second. One second, and it's over. Never let your guard down, ever. I want you two to promise me."

"I promise." Carl and I say in unison.

"Okay." He gets up to leave for the supply run or whatever it is, but Carl stands up.

"Dad. You're right. I am strong. We both are." He looks at me. "We all are. But... we're strong enough that we can still help people. And we can handle ourselves when things go wrong. And we're strong enough that we don't have to be afraid...and we don't have to hide."

Dad smiles lightly. "Well, he's hiding something."

Carl grabs my hand and squeezes. "We'll stay safe, Dad."

Dad smiles as he looks at both of us. "Yeah."


A couple of hours later, after falling asleep, I wake up to Judith sitting on my stomach. I groan as Carl picks her up and sets her on the floor. I stand up and stretch as a random memory pops up in my mind.   "Hey, Carl. Remember when we were seven and we had that huge ass water balloon fight? It went on all day. And then we went inside the kitchen and pelted Mom?" I smile. 

He looks me and laughs. "Dude, that's my favorite memory from when we were seven. OH, remember when Allison and Jake came over for that sleepover when we were nine? And Mom and Dad went to some restaurant for the entire night, so we completely destroyed our room? Blankets and pillows and stuffed animals everywhere. But we never got in trouble? And and and Allison totally-"

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