Four Walls and a Roof Pt. 2

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  "Oh! Bob!" We heard Sasha shriek from outside. Carl stood up to go out, but I put my hand on his arm and Allison yanked him back down. We heard walkers, however, so my heart sped up. 

I looked back, as we heard Sasha scream "his leg!" 

"Get Bob inside. We'll take care of them." Glenn said. I squirmed, wanting to help. Carl sensed my impatience, so he slapped my arm gently.

The sounds of the others killing walkers echoed in the room, and I shut my eyes. I heard Sasha begging someone to help her, and I reached my arms towards Allison, and asked for Judith. She handed Judith to me, and I swayed her in my arms, her angelic chubby baby face calming me down. 

Then my father started shooting his gun.

Carl stiffened, as did I. We knew the basic rule, don't ever use your gun unless necessary, because of the sound. Our father yelled for everyone to get inside, and I cringed. 

A Bob with half his left leg missing was carried into the room, and Nick started to cry when he saw him. Jake reached out towards the little boy, and stroked his hair and whispered into his ear. Nick's crying slowed. 


Bob lies on the floor, with all of us gathered around him. The children are in another room with Allison, who has no stomach for these type of things. Judith sleeps on a pew behind us. 

"I was in the graveyard. Somebody knocked me out. I woke up outside this place. It looked like a school. It was that guy, Gareth and five other ones." Jake stiffens at the mention of his father. I squeeze his hand. Bob painfully continues, "they were eating my leg right in front of me. Like it was nothin. All proud like they had it all figured out."

My father comes out of his shock to ask Bob a question. "Did they have Daryl and Carol?"

"Gareth said they drove off." he tries to get up, but he groans in agony. My eyes brim with tears.

"He's in pain. Do we have anything?" Sasha pleads.

"I think there are pill packets in the first aid kit," Rosita answers. Sasha nods quickly but Bob interrupts. "Save 'em." 

"No." Sasha counters.

"Really." he sits up slowly and painfully peels his shirt off his shoulder, where a bite is revealed. 

Sasha stares at it blankly, and then she looks into Bob's pain stricken eyes as he says "it happened at the food bank."

Sasha smiles weakly. "It's okay." She goes to lay back down, but he collapses back. "Bob?" She asks in a panicked voice. Bob's breathing becomes labored.

"I have a sofa in my office," Gabriel offers. Sasha looks up at him. "I know it's not much, but..."

"Thank you," she smiles, her eyes brimming with tears. 

"I got him," Tyreese says, and everyone stands to give him room. He picks up Bob and walks into the room Gabriel was talking about, Sasha following. 

"Do you know about the place Bob was talking about?" Dad starts to ask Gabriel. I eye them warily.

"It's an elementary school," Gabriel replies. "It's close."

"How close?"

Gabriel hesitates.

"How close, Gabriel?"

"It's just a ten minute walk through the woods from here, due south of the graveyard." 

Right on cue, Judith wakes up and begins to cry, the poor child thinking she's alone. Carl goes to pick up the basket she's sleeping in. He shushes her as he walks off into the other room with her. I smile. He's going to be such a great father someday. 

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