quinze : exes

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march thirteenth | paris, france

THE LOCATION OF HER penthouse wasn't exactly a secret, due to the fact people saw her go in and out of the building constantly, but it was a private block. This meant that paparazzi could wait outside the building all the same and take pictures too. With the building, you had to go through the main and only exit to get around to the private car park, so the paps always knew where she was leaving from.

The morning after their date, Stella would have never expected one visitor in front of her block, waiting for her as she exited. Surprisingly, there were no paparazzi that day camped outside.

"Stella Greaves?" a shy voiced called against the wall.

She turned, assuming it was a fan or something. Stella never liked using that word because what were they a fan of? Her face?

"Hey," Stella greeted the shorter brunette, "What can I do for you?"

The girl squeezed her eyes shut and rested a hand on her head as if she was in distress, "Look, I know this is very odd and unusual bu- but you're friends with Julian Draxler aren't you?"

The sound of Julian's name made Stella frown, "Yeah, I am. Why?"

"I'm Lena Stiffel, his ex-girlfriend. I made a mistake in breaking up with him, and I wanted to surprise him. I was wondering if you could give me his apartment address," Lena bit her lip nervously, "I don't know any of his other friends, and I didn't really want to ask his family."

And Stella's heart dropped immediately. She knew the outcome of this: Julian would obviously leave whatever they had behind for the girl he loved for years, and he'd probably do it in a heartbeat too.

Stella proclaimed that she didn't want a relationship yet, but goddamn she liked Julian so much and one night with him changed everything, and she was about to lose it too.

Lena noticed the hesitation in the model, "Look, if you need proof or anything that I actually know Julian, I can give it to you."

Stella noticed the German hint in her English and switched to the language to make it easier for her, "That won't be necessary. I know who you are, Lena."

Lena's eyes lit up, "He talked about me?"

"Some time ago, sure," Stella murmured, "I was actually going to see a friend who's staying nearby. How about I take you up to his apartment too? They don't just let anyone go up the lift."

Lena accepted her offer immediately. Stella had no other choice. What would Julian think if he ever found out she turned away his childhood sweetheart, or friend at the very least?

They were in her Range Rover not long later, with Lena babbling away happily about how excited she was, and Stella staring off into the distance.

"Oh! I forgot to ask. You're not dating him are you?" Lena queried, "I saw a few rumours and..."

Stella wished she could say yes, but that was not the truth, "No, i'm not. They're just rumours."

"Oh good, this might have been awkward otherwise," Lena giggled.


"Miss Greaves," the doorman greeted. He acted like a guard for the building too, monitoring who came in and where they were going and if it was suspicious, he'd buzz into the apartment, "Seeing Mr. Draxler today?"

"Yeah," she nodded with a minuscule smile, "See you, Vance."

Stella guided Lena silently into the lift, pondering as to what would happen next.

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