Shūzō Nijimura

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"You've never been to the beach before?" Kotarō asked loudly during lunch.

"No I've never been able to, my family doesn't have time to go together after mom passed, and dad's too busy, Akashi just doesn't want to go." You said looking down at you're homemade bento courtesy of your cook Sakura. Your name is (Y/N) Sejiuurou, you are the twin sister of Akashi and like him are a first year. Many people are often surprised to hear that he's your brother because other than you're matching eyes you look nothing alike. And on top of that you've always been quiet shy and have an extremely low presence.

"Well summer break is coming up why don't we all go then?" Shūzō suggested with a smile setting his tray down and sliding into the only available spot left right next to you and smiling brightly. He normally had a slight temper and people saw him as intimidating but you've always had a crush on your senpai. You played on the girls basketball team back at Teiko and Nijumura would help you out when you seemed to fall behind the others. You weren't quite as gifted as your ever famed brother at basketball but you've always been good and loved it ever since you were little.

"Um y-yeah, that sounds fun." You said meekly as you looked down at your tray and took a meager bite of your seasoned rice. Every time you were close to Shūzō you're heart would always beat just a little faster and you would turn bright red. There was even a rumor going around that he liked you which only made your heart pound faster. It didn't take long for Kotarō to convince Myazumi to come with us as well as Reo, Akashi, and Nebuya. You all marked the date to be going to the Okinawa beach the second week of summer. This was your last day of school and it was almost time for the dismissal ceremony to take place. Everyone sat anxiously in their classrooms waiting for the bell to ring. Everyone was talking excitedly and you were absorbed in your book. This was the one class you had with Nijumura and you hadn't even realized that he'd gone to stand next to you when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder. Your book slammed closed as you jumped in your spot letting out a little squeal, your face turning bright red as a few heads turn to laugh at the noise.

"So, you ready for the trip?" He asked with a bright smile making your heart pound loudly in your chest.

"Y-yeah, are you?" You smiled, looking down and brushing some of your hair out of your face meekly. He nodded pulling the chair from a desk around and sitting on it backward his legs spread over either side of the chair back.

"We only have a couple weeks left before we leave, are you as excited as I am?" He asked with a smile. It felt good to see him so happy, it was rare to have him smiling so much, but you had to admit you definitely enjoyed it. You were about to reply when the bell rang and Nijumura was pulled away with the rest of his friends from class. He waved at you as he was dragged from the room and the door shut behind him.

The next few weeks passed quickly as if no time at all had passed and the next thing you knew you were standing at an airport in front of your family jet waiting or the others with Akashi. Slowly people started to show up. First Nebuya and Reo arrived, Reo was droning on about how much fun it was going to be and how many places he could go shopping there. The Kotaro, he was running around filled with excitement like normal and jumping around. The flight was about two hours and it was early in the morning though the plane was schedule to take off in about ten minutes yet Nijumura wasn't there yet.

"Are you sure he's coming (Y/N)?" Akashi questioned looking at the time as everyone started to board the plane with smiles.

"He should be here any minute. We can't leave without him." You say as he turned to get on the plane with the others. You sighed and sat on the steps to the plane chewing on your lip as you waited for Nijumura. After a while Akashi poked his head out and told you to hurry up. You slowly stood taking one last look around before slowly walking up the steps. You stopped hearing a voice behind you and turning to look seeing Nijumura running toward you.

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