Hayama Kotarō Christmas Special

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Christmas Special I feel super bad because I posted this a little late but I've been super busy this week and haven't had a chance to edit this. I made this one for Kotarō because I felt bad for making him seem like a jerk in the last special so here you go sorry for the late post love you guys
                                                                                             Your Crazy Author,
                                                                                                 Shidonni >W<

"Merry Christmas Kotarō." You said with a large smile as you wrapped your arms around him when he opened the door. You and Kotarō had been dating since high school and we're glad to be spending your first Christmas out of school together You had both been together for almost 6 years and had never had a chance to spend a Christmas together.

"Hey, there you are, I wasn't sure when you were getting here. " He said as he tugged you inside and closed the door, pulling you into a warm embrace.

"I got you something." You said holding up a bag about the width of your torso and HEAVY.

"Slow down its not quite Christmas yet. Put it by the tree with the other gifts." He said as you walked into the living room greeted by the smell of Christmas cookies and cooking food.

"How many people are coming tomorrow?" You asked as you sat your gift down and took a seat on the large couch as Kotarō threw himself down next to you.

"Mayuzumi, and Akashi are both coming Reo is coming for a while too but he's leaving early cause he's got some old friends coming to town and can't stay to long. Nebuya can't come he's going to be out of town with family for the weekend and Akashi's bringing some of his generation friends Kuroko and Murasakibara and he's bringing Himuro, I think Tetsuya is bringing the Taiga kid and if that's the maximum amount of people coming... We'll have 9 people tops and Reo isn't staying for dinner so we'll have 8 here for food and 9 people here in the morning." He said laughing slightly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm exhausted already." You said laughing as you fake fainted into Kotarō's lap and closed you eyes.

"I know, but it'll be fun being able to see everyone, it's been a super long time since we've all been together I kinda miss it." he said leaning over you and pressing his lips gently into yours leaving a light kiss. You opened your eyes and smiled up at him as you hopped up and walked over to the TV.

"There's gotta be a ton of Christmas specials on right now, wanna watch a few?" You asked flipping on the Tv and picking up the remote sitting back on the couch next to Kotarō as you curled up next to him on the couch. After a while you found yourself opening your eyes to find both of you had fallen asleep on the couch and the sun was now rising and beginning to shine through the open blinds on the window. You laughed and slowly shook Kotarō awake and stood up.

"What, hm? What time is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes noticing the window.

"Don't know but I'm going to take a quick shower cause we need to get everything ready for guests." You said stepping out of the room. After your long shower you felt refreshed, like a new person, as you stepped into the kitchen to see Akashi and Reo standing by the island talking to Kotarō.

"Look who decided to join us." Said Kotarō smiling up at me from his chair at the island. You glanced over at the oven clock to see it was already 12:30.

"Wow I didn't realize it was already so late it's good to see you two." You said walking over to Akashi and Reo wrapping them both into a small hug.

"Good you see you too (Y/N) it's been a while how have you been?" Asked Akashi with a faint, but happy, smile spread across his face.

"I'm good and you?" You asked. The small talke continued like this for a while when you heard the doorbell go off and you left the room to go answer it. Opening the door you looked around to see Murasakibara and Himuro along with Kagami and Kuroko. You smiled as you invited everyone in and everyone began to socialize. After a while longer the tree was stacked high with gifts and everyone had arrived. You I rapped gifts together and spent the day snacking and having fun. You played games joked and so much more and by the time dinner came Reo had left and you were all sitting down to eat. Kotarō had outdone himself and made ham and mashed potatoes, gravy and cream corn anything you could want and you stuffed yourselves to the brim with desserts that everyone brought. After a long day and an even longer evening everyone had left and you and Kotarō were left alone once again. You both sat down and heave a sigh of relief as you curled up once again.

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