Midorima Shintarou

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Midorima 'sigh' just his name makes you loose your mind. You've always had the biggest crush on Mido-Chan and you aren't afraid to admit it, I wouldn't be surprised if he, himself knew. You would tell him yourself but the fact is he has a girlfriend. You wish it was you over and over but your happy if he is and you can deal with it. Your too happy go lucky and always have the biggest smile on your face. Everyone likes you and you have no enemies. You play girl's varsity basketball and are the captain of the volleyball team so you love sports. And even if you don't know, Midorima has had his eye on you for longer than you could imagine. Almost as soon and you came to this school you were sat in the back of the room right next to Midorima in every class. When you weren't paying attention he would stare and you and wish he had the courage to tell you how he felt. You were always together for projects and had been over to each other's houses, but he just didn't know how to tell you. That's when Sakido Kimine asked him out and he didn't know how to decline. They've been together ever since and Midorima was sick of being pushed around by her. Unknown to anyone he planned to break up with her that day.

"Sakido." He said plainly waking up to her locker.

"Oh Mimi what's up... Mimi sweetie I thought I told you to leave that stupid frog at home. You're too old for hand puppets." She snapped taking the frog and chucking it toward the trash can in the corner. You were walking by when you noticed his frog on the ground and picked it up.

"Do not throw him! I came to talk to you about something . This isn't working out I'm sick of you trying to push me around and I'm done. We're breaking up." As he said this Sakido simply scoffed and walked off. You were standing behind him holding the frog when he turned around you handed him the frog.

"A-are you alright?" You asked concerned that he was upset.

"I-uh n-no I-um, was just..."as he stuttered like a mad man and began to blush he bent down and kissed you right there. You were still holding his frog and you almost dropped it you were so stunned you didn't know how to react so you just kissed back and closed your eyes.

"M-mido-c-chan I, y-you. What was that for?" You managed to choke out as you felt your cheeks flush bright red and you were matching. Both of you stood there silent until he looked at you and began to speak.

"I-I really like you (Y/N) I-I broke up with Sakido because I wanted to be with you. I-I don't even know if you feel the same way but I..." You cut him off be smiling and wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Mido-Chan haha you dork I like you too." You said looking up at him and smiling like an idiot as he looked at your face he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Pffft hahaha oh my gosh, how?"he said in between laughs.

"W-what, what'd I do?" You asked with a confused look on your face.

"H-how is it that even in the most serious situation you still seem to make me laugh?" He said with an adorable smile as a light blush spread across his cheeks and up his ears as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I guess I'm just funny haha." You said blushing and looking down.

"Hey what are you doing after school?" He asked after the halls went silent for a while.

"Nothing why?" You asked seeing his face begin to turn red.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come over and hangout or watch a movie or something?" He said turning even more red.

"Ha yeah I'd love to come over." You said with a giggle as the bell rang and you had to head to your second hour classes.
'Only two more classes and practice and I'll be at Midorima's house.' Was all you could think as you starred at the clock when you entered the room and took your seat next to Mido-Chan.

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