Takao and Midorima (Part 2)

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"M-Midorima w-what are you doing here?" You said a bright blush spreading across your face As your stomach began doing flips.

"I came to find you." He said leaning down again ate ting to connect your lips once more. His arms were still warped around you and you decided to grab one of them turning your head away from him pulling his arm sending him, fully clothed, into the hot water below.

"That doesn't give you permission to come into the woman's bathhouse!" You yelled as the hot water splashed and you crawled out of the bath retrieving your towel while he wiped the steaming water from his eyes. You wrapped the towel around you noticing his glasses floating in the bath behind him. Rolling your eyes you walked back inside tying your robe around your waist and returning to the room. Angry and embarrassed you threw yourself down on Midorima's bed. Normally you would've been worried about Takao seeing you in only a robe and would've dressed immediately, but you had passed him on the way here in the small hotel arcade they had just up the hall from the bathhouse. You buried your face in his pillow which just made your stomach flip more because it already smelled like him, you were so confused you didn't know what to think. Midorima was your best friend you could have feelings for him too could you? Your heart was racing and it felt like someone had released an entire jar of butterflies in your stomach, you had never felt anything like this before, at least not this strong.

"Ugh, what am I doing I'm supposed to like Takao not Mido-chan!" You said angrily chucking the pillow at the, now open, door, hitting Takao dead in the face. You were stunned as the pillow fell and you could see a light blush spread over his cheeks. All you could think was, 'He heard, oh my gosh he heard." As panic set in your heart began racing even more violently as your face became hot and flushed, you knew you were blushing but you were both just standing there in a painful silence. You were about to open your mouth to try and explain when a soaking wet Midorima walked into the room removing his shirt and throwing it right at you. The wet fabric stung the sides of your face as it hit you filling the room with a loud 'smack'.

"(Y/N) what'd you throw me in the bath?" He yelled more than asked.

"Why'd you kiss me?" You retorted as your face began to burn with embarrassment and anger. Confused Takao spoke up questioning what happened.

"I'm confused are you two dating or something?" He asked putting me into a state of shock.

"W-what no we aren't, n-no." You stuttered out blushing even more violently which at this point you really didn't think was possible.

"Then why'd you kiss her?" He said asking Midorima mostly this time.

"I don't need to justify anything to you Bakao!" He said angrily crossing his arms and turning away from him.

"Woah there's no need to yell at each other I don't like when everyone fights. Were all confused and I at least am worried about where this is going. Midorima why have you been acting so weird since we left?" You said as your inner peacekeeper came out. You saw that he was about to speak when he turned to Takao with a look of a seeming hatred.

"I'm not saying anything with him here." He said angry as Takao was about to protest you cut him off.

"Don't argue Takao it's okay, why don't we go down to the beach and talk there you and me." You said sending a sad smile to him as Takao nodded his head walking over to his bed and throwing himself down.

"Fine." Said Midorima simply as you walked up to him gently grabbing his hand and pulling him lightly out of the room. You walked all the way to the shore line hand in hand and began walking along the coast.

"What's going on Mido-Chin why are you so mad at Takao and why won't tell us why you've been acting so weird since we left." You asked as he suddenly stopped pulling you back and causing you to trip falling into hid embrace. Quickly he connected your lips making the calmed butterflies returned to full force. He began to make the gentle kiss stronger as he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you denied still not quite aware of the situation. You tried to hold your ground and keep your mouth closed but failed when lack of air consumed you and gasped into the kiss allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth and explore. After some physical protesting you managed to pull away only to have him connect to your neck leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.

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