Kagami Taiga

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"Kagami!!!!" You screamed as the red head bursted into to laughter. You shivered as you stood in the lake completely naked. Why were you naked you ask? Good question, well it's way past midnight and you wanted to go swimming, you tore your swimsuit yesterday and didn't want to wake your friend to borrow her extra, so you figured since everyone was asleep you'd go skinny dipping, no one was awake to see anyway right? Wrong, you were very wrong. Your crush, Kagami was wide awake he was walking around in the woods near your cabin hoping to get some fresh air before bed since he couldn't sleep, when he heard the water splash. When he went to investigate he saw your favorite graphic t-shirt and a tattered pair of jean shorts. He almost immediately realized it was you in the water and kidnapped your clothes. You looked up when you heard a twig snap and sure enough you were standing just enough out of the water that Kagami could see your fully exposed breasts. Hence the scream back to reality now.

"What, what's wrong (Y/N)-Chan I don't know what your screaming about but if you don't stop the other guys will wake up." He said with a chuckle as he pointed at the cabin and smirked. You had already sunk down to your chin in the water and covered your body to the best of your ability. You were turning fifty different shades of red as you stood there.

"Either go away or give me my clothes Kagami." You said in a weak voice as you were mentally freaking out. You were naked in the water in front of your crush, who stole your fucking clothes and won't give them back. Your heart was racing your legs were weak you were blushing and had no clue what to do. You didn't want to get out cause he would see you and you didn't want to stay in this situation any longer you thought you would pass out when he suddenly spoke.

"If I leave in taking your clothes with me but if I give them to you if have to get in the water so why don't you come get them from me." He said with a smirk as he say down on the stump where your clothes were and placed your clothes lightly draped over his lap.

"Kagami, please come on don't do this." You begged as tears began to form in your eyes and your lip began to quiver from the cold.

'Why does this always happen to me I hate being in these kind of situations but I always seem to be the one stuck in them.' You though as you stood there shivering.

"Come on (Y/N) the sooner you come get your clothes the sooner you leave. If you don't get out of the water I'll have to come get you and I don't think you'll like that." He said his voice going form that of concern to one of seduction.

"Screw you Kagami!" You yelled swimming to a different part of the lake when you heard the water splash again. You looked behind you to see Kagami standing a couple of feet away from you ...NAKED!!!

"(Y/N) you couldn't have made this easy for both of us and just came and got your clothes? You had to make me come and get you?" He said with a smirk.

"Ahh Kagami!" You said looking away suddenly and closing our eyes as you heard the sound of moving water you felt a hand on your chin. When you opened you eyes Kagami leaned in and kissed you. Your eyes widened in shock as he pulled away.

"Bet you weren't expecting that one were ya (Y/N)-Chan?" He said as you noticed the light blush spread across his cheeks.

"W-What was that for K-Kagami?" You stuttered looking down and blushing.

"I love you (Y/N)." He said lifting your chin to look at him making you blush looking at his kind smile. As your thoughts ran wild he leaned in and kissed you again this time a little rougher as he pushed you back on the sand where you now sat on the shore. He grabbed your hands and lifted them up above your head as he trailed kisses down your neck to your breasts. He grouped both of your breasts until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah K-Kagami p-please ahh." You moaned as he licked one of your buds teasingly then began to suck and lightly bite on it while massaging the other. With his free hand he trailed down to your wet pussy and thrusted two digits in to you.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asked pulling his head away from your breast and scissoring you to stretch you out.

"Ah n-no mmh Kagami ahh." You said in between moans.You were about to cum when he suddenly pulled out his fingers and thrusted the full length of his dick deep inside your virgin pussy.

"Ah god (Y/N) mmmh ah y-your so tight." He said as he began thrusting into you slowly, letting you slightly adjust to his large size.

"Oh ah K-Kagami, m-more, oh mmh yes ah r-right there." You couldn't help but love every second of this, you loved Kagami and having him inside you just felt so good.

"(Y/N) I-I'm gonna ahh." He said throwing his head back and coming deep inside of you. You came right after as you felt his hot seed flow inside you you clamped down around his dick and came.

"Kagami ahh I love you." You said in between your panting. As you tried to catch your breath Kagami leaned into your neck and began sucking. When he pulled away there was a small but dark, purple hickey.

"Now everyone will know your mine." He said looking up as he planted another kiss on your lips. You both swam back over to where your clothes where and got changed. You were really tired now and we're about to pass out when you saw a flashlight. You both looked up in shock to see Kuroko standing there.

"Kagami you're and idiot. Be quiet next time you wanna have sex right outside my cabin you asshole." As he spoke you turned bright red and hid behind Kagami, because, to be honest even if Kagami is the taller one and your almost as tall as Kuroko, he still scares the ever living shit out of you.

"Heheh um s-sorry." Said Kagami rubbing the back of his neck as you hid behind him. Kuroko left and you decided to go back to your cabin because your friend was with Himuro her boyfriend in another cabin. You both collapsed on the bed next to each other and fell asleep next to one another and stayed like that until dawn.

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