Kazuya Hara

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You were walking down the busy city streets, spring break and you were spending it in Tokyo, with your brother. You had been so disappointed when your brother, and legal guardian, had forced you along with you to Tokyo instead of going to Okinawa with your friends for the week. Your parents had passed away a few years before and you had never been the same but you were a tough girl. Your brother (Name) was traveling and was in Europe when the accident happened and since he was 6 years older than you, he was forced to become your legal guardian. So now here you are, spending time walking the streets and pretending to be shopping while your brother goes out drinking with his old friends. You had been outside just walking for almost two hours before your stomach began to bombard you with growls asking for food. You walked a while longer until you came to an outdoor mall, you were about to round a corner when suddenly a tall boy about your age turned around the corner and you smashed right into his chest.

"Oops sorry, you okay?" He asked in a monotone voice helping you up from your new spot on the floor.

"Yeah. Hey, do I know you?" You asked attempting to look into the covered eyes of the tall boy which, due to his hair, seemed impossible. In reply he simply shrugged his shoulders blowing a large bubble allowing it to pop around his mouth and nose.

"I play basketball." He suggested seeming uninterested in the conversation.

"What's your name?"

"Hara." He replied simply seeming to glance down at you.

"What school do you go to?" You asked getting slightly more excited.

"Kirisaki Daichi."

"You're kidding me, one of my best friends goes to school there and she talks about the basketball team all the time. You and Makoto at least, I think she may be a little obsessed." You said with a laugh.

"Name?" He asked making you presume he wanted to know the name of your friend.

"Oh, her name's Sakii..."

"No you're name." He said interrupting you and blowing yet another large bubble.

"Oh, me... I'm (Y/N)." You said with a slight giggle as he held out his hand and grinned as you took and shook his hand.

"You here for spring break?" He asked, you were about to reply when suddenly your phone went off in your pocket.

'(Y/N), I'm drunk, come get me.' A message from your brother appeared on the screen as you rolled your eyes and replied.

'I can't drive, call a cab damnit.' As you looked up to return to your conversation you relished Hara was no where in sight.

"Who is (Brother's Name)?" You heard a familiar voice ask from behind you making you jump at least a foot off the ground. You spun on your heel as quickly as possible and looked up to see Hara had been standing behind you the whole time you were texting.

"My brother, and you scared me." You said panting slightly and clinging your phone to your chest.

"Ha sorry, you never answered my question though." He said tilting his head and waiting for a response.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be here all week, why?"

"Cause I'm bored and my friend got one too many tickets to a concert cause he fore got I don't have a girlfriend and now he's making me find someone else to go I think you're the first decent person I've met all day so I wanted to know if you wanted to come. The concert's tomorrow at 6:00 if you wanna come I can meet you somewhere and pick you up." He said speaking quickly and acting slightly nervous.

"Who's performing?"

"A band called GazettE, they're pretty popular and the ticket was expensive that's why my friend's making me find someone to take." He said making your eyes light up, that was one of your favorite bands and you had been wanting to go to a concert they were having on Friday evening in Okinawa with your friends and a sort of grand finale for the week.

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