Shoichi Imayoshi

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You are one of Shoichi's best friends, you've known each other for most of your lives. Your parents were close friends when you moved into town right next door. You would play together all the time when you were younger and once in kindergarten he even cut off one your of your pigtails. You were furious but it didn't stay like that for long, you would get in to large fights and be fine the very next day. You're glad you're friends but lately it seems like you've been drifting. He's been talking to you less and less and you were beginning to think something was wrong. You would sit by him at lunch and get only small replies as he would stare off into space, you never hung out anymore and you felt like he was ignoring you.

"Sho-Chan when's your next game?" You asked at lunch trying to start some sort of conversation.

"Tomorrow." He replied plainly, which stung slightly. You simply nodded and looked down at your untouched food that was slowly growing colder as lunch passed.

"Are you gonna eat?" Asked Aomine, mouth full of food.

"No one wants to see your food Daki." Said Shoichi rolling eyes and glancing around the room.

"No, here." You said pushing your tray toward him and standing up walking out of the room angry at Shoichi and yourself. You weren't sure what to do, you were loosing your best friend and it felt like you were being torn apart. You couldn't take it anymore, you walked out the school's front doors and walked around the grounds for a while before taking a seat under a large tree away from the school and shrinking down under it as you felt tears begin to sting the back of your eyes. You're eyes darted everywhere trying to hold back tears as the bell rang and you gave up, you sat there for at least an hour crying. You had tried everything, inviting him to hang out didn't work he was alway 'busy with basketball', neither did talking cause he only gave you nods and one word answers or just wouldn't talk at all. After a while of crying you decided to go to the nurse and play it sick so you could go home. The next day would be no better. When you got to school you avoided Shoichi as well as you could trying your best to steer clear of him. You wanted to go to the game later to support your friend but at this point you weren't sure you could even call him that anymore. You ended up deciding to go even though you really didn't know if you could handle it. The game started and you shouted and cheered with the whole crowd.

"Let's go Too!!" You shouted as the game started. All was well until the second half of the game, the team Too was playing was Serin and they had just shot, and made, two free-throws. You turned away to look at a text on your phone from your friend and when you looked up the game had stopped. You were confused, there were players and coaches in a group on the floor. Looking closer you gasped as your eyes widened, on the floor in the center of the group was Shoichi holding onto his knee as he groaned out in pain.You stood up in a frantic panic as you rushed down to the floor to make sure he was okay. You shoved your way through the group of people pushing Aomine out of the way as you fell to your knees next to him. Your mom was a doctor so you had quite a bit of experience with injuries and what to do, you looked down to see his knee already bruised and swollen.

"(Y/N) get out of here were waiting for the nurse and she'll be here soon." Said Aomine still slightly ticked off that I had pushed him.

"Aomine shut the fuck up!" You snapped turning to him with eyes like fire. "He needs a ice pack and help me move him to the benches so he can lie down." You said frantic as you, and a reluctant Aomine helped him to his feet practically carrying him to the benches. Someone handed you and ice pack and you helped him put it on his knee worried about him as you kneeled next to him. After being brought to the doctor later that day you waited outside his room for him to just walk out all fine and ready to go home, but you knew that wouldn't happen. You waited for at least two hours before he finally came out, you're eyes filled with tears seeing his knee wrapped in a cast, with him on crutches.

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