Kise Ryouta

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You are a very shy girl there's not much more to say about it you have almost no friends and the ones you do have either only use you or are one of your stuffed animals from home. You don't talk much and when you do its all eyes on you. Because you don't talk much you're a mystery to everyone on top of the fact that everyone, guys and girls alike, think you're beautiful. But one boy in particular has been trying to tell you for a long time how he feels he just doesn't know the words. You've been asked out many times by guys that you don't even really know but you've always respectfully decline. What most people don't know about you is when you're at home you can't, not talk. When you're at home with your family you're the talkative one. You would probably die if anyone saw you at home like that. You can't open up to people very well so you hide your emotions  which scares your family but you love your life even though you'd never admit it at school. But back to that boy, he's the one guy everyone in the school either wants to have or wants to be. Kise Ryota, yup that Kise the freaking model, you could honestly say you liked him too but were too shy around other people to tell him how you felt. Until the day you went to your locker and out fell a small letter written on (f/c) paper. As you opened it you were stunned, it read...

'Dear (Y/N),
I wasn't sure how to tell you this in person but I really like you. I have for a long time now, I've only talked to you a few times but I listen to every word of what you say to me. If you, at all, feel the same way about me, meet me outside the school tomorrow afternoon at 3:30.

"Why would he of all people even slightly like me." You said to yourself as you blushed slightly you definitely felt the same but how were you supposed to say that to him? He was a freaking model, and on top of that one of the generation of miracles. You let out a sigh as you leaned up against your locker. When none other than Kise just so happened to walk by. He didn't say a word he just looked up at you and smiled. Your heart skipped a beat when he noticed the note in your hands and kept walking. As you stood there you bit your lip lightly as your heart went wild, pounding against your chest.

You went to school the next day like any other except for the three classes you had with Kise you caught him staring at you a couple times each class. Your heart wouldn't stop pounding as the final bell rang at 3:30. As you stood up from your seat and packed your things your heart began to pound harder than before, your knees were weak and you could hardly breath. You walked outside and found Kise sitting down on the edge of the fountain.

"So you came." He said standing up and smirking at you.

"Yeah I-I guess I did." You said as he took a few steps closer to you. He reached you without you even realizing it as he placed his hands on your waist.

"Does that mean you share the same feelings?" He asked looking deep into your eyes and smiling.

"I-I... Yeah, I-I do." You said with a slight smile as he leaned in towards you more closing the space.

"Good, because if you didn't me doing this wouldn't mean as much." He said leaning in and kissing you. Your eyes widened in surprise as your heart began to pound faster and faster. You weren't sure what to do so you gradually closed your eyes as you kissed back.

"W-what was that for?" You asked when he pulled away bringing your hand up to your lips. As you brushed your fingers across your lips he smiled.

"That was adorable." He said with a slight laugh.

"S-shut up, n-no it wasn't." You say embarrassed looking to the ground.

"Hey don't be embarrassed it was cute, you're cute." He said with a small smile as he blushed slightly.

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