Yukio Kasematsu

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"Kise get back here!" You hear Yukio yell as you walk into the gym and see them running around chasing each other.

"Um, Yukio, could you momentarily spare my brother, we kinda need to head home cause he has a job after this." You said with a nervous laugh as he crossed his arms and turned his back to Kise with a huff.

"Arigato Onee-Chan, I was going to die." Said Kise running up to you hugging you tightly. You reacted by swiftly punching him in the stomach making him let go of you a lean over in pain, causing Yukio to laugh slightly from across the room.

"You're still going to die Kise we have practice tomorrow and you aren't going to like me by the time it's over." Said Yukio with an evil smirk that made you giggle slightly  as you grabbed onto the neck of Kise's shirt and dragged him out of the gym toward the car outside.

"Wait what about my stuff in my locker?" Said Kise looking back at the school as you shoved him in the back of the black car and shut the door sitting down next to him.

"It'll be there tomorrow I'm not getting yelled at again by your manager because you were lagging behind." You said glaring at him and starring out the window as the car began to move and you headed into the city for another shoot with Kise.

"(Y/N) you wouldn't mind if I dropped you off in town near some of the shops today would you. Kise and I are going to take longer than normal and we have an important meeting we should be done no later then 5:00 is that okay?" Asked Kise's manager as you stepped out of the car with your brother.

"Oh that's not a problem, I actually wanted to go look at some of the shops here in town so I'm fine with that." You said with a smile putting your hands out in front of you and waving them.

"That's great do you want to walk or do you want to be driven?" He asked slightly concerned.

"No there's a shop just around the corner I wanted to look at so I can walk, have fun Kise and don't piss anyone off." You said waving to your brother as you began walking around the corner to a small candy shop that makes cute animal shaped candies. Almost as soon as you stepped around the corner you ran into someone startling yourself you gasped looking up shocked to see Yukio.

"(Y/N) what're you doing here?" He asked not fazed at all being run into.

"I-I, Kise has a photo shoot around the corner and I wanted to look around town for a while. W-what're you doing here?" You stuttered trying to look away from him as you felt a slight blush spread across your cheeks. You had to admit you'd always had a slight crush on Yukio for as long as you'd known him. That's why after practice and games you never stuck around cause you didn't want to run into him and have an awkward conversation. Which is what was happening now, you felt your heart racing and you could barely think when ever you were around him.

"I come into town every Friday." He said entirely to quickly as his eyes dashed around seeming nervous.

"Oh, well it was good to see you." You said quickly looking to the ground as waved slightly beginning to walk away.

"Y-you too." He said as we began walking separate ways. I turned into the candy shop and he walked past and turned a corner. As soon as you stepped foot into the candy shop you were greeted by fruity smells and a strong scent of cinnamon, you began walking around looking at the cute heart shaped candies and little animal shapes. They had all kinds of favors Mochi, Ramune, Green Tea, banana, strawberry, peppermint, cinnamon, and so many more looking at all of them made your mouth water and you knew there was no way you were leaving empty handed. You bent down to look as a small row of cat shaped candies and looked up when you heard a loud crash to see Yukio standing behind the counter picking up a pan he dropped. When he looked up he noticed you ad his eyes grew with shock and embarrassment.

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