Chapter 33- Bachlorette Party

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It was finally the Bachlorette party, the huge celebration that the girls have been planning for me. They told me they are doing it "muggle style" since I was growing up in a muggle way.

Even Hermione was excited, so I knew it was nothing like my father once explained to me that my mother's bachelorette party was like. He wasn't there, but she had told him so much about it. It wasn't... kid friendly... to say the least.

"Are you nervous?" Ginny asked. Hermione shrugged, "Its going to be fun! She had no need to be!"

I laughed and they dragged me out of bed. "Put on some festive clothing. Like... hmmm... what's a good example?" Ginny asked Hermione.

She thought for a moment, "Maybe like you would wear to an 80's roller rink?"

I nodded and shoved them out with a smile. Thoughtfully, since it was warm out today, I picked out a showing black sports bra and a Fierce neon green tank top. I complimented it with black Adidas jogging pants and matching white Adidas sneakers. I changed my hair to longer, feistier dirty blonde and magiced IT into a long upside down braided high ponytail. [photo]

I walked out of my room and was swept off my feet by strong arms.

"Where's my fiancé goi- wow." He said, eyeing my "showy" choice of outfit. I giggled, "Do you like it?" I twirled around, my long braid whipping elegantly behind me.

He smirked, "You look beautiful as always."

Hermione walked over with an outfit of navy blue leggings, a Nike hot pink t-shirt, and her long hair was pulled into two low ponytails.

Ginny was behind her, sporting a plain black, baggy t-shirt and neon orange leggings. Her beautiful red hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

"You guys look cute!" I gushed, hanging onto Ron's arm while I still had the chance.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Oh please. But you look ADORABLE! How about that?"

I glared, "You lie to me about myself being pretty again, then I will Avada Kedevra your hair into flames."

We all laughed and Hermione grabbed my arm, "Come on! We have to go!"

I slipped away, "I'll meet you down there in a second."

They nodded and trotted down the stairs, finally leaving me alone with Ron.

"I have to go. Bachelorette party before the big day." I sighed with a goofy grin.

He swooped me up and kissed me passionately. I played with his hair and he pulled my waist tighter. I haven't had a kiss like this since forever. By forever I really mean just last week.

We finally broke apart after a few MINUTES of kissing to breath.

"Bye Wolfie." He said, before walking into his room to wake Harry.

I walked down the stairs, "Bye Fiancé."

I met them downstairs, and they quickly grabbed my hands and apparated off. So much for saying goodbye to Arthur and Molly. And maybe Harry if he actually woke up.

We landed in the place I never expected. An actual roller rink. I gasped as they handed my actual roller skates.

"What are we doing..." I questioned.

Hermione held up paints and brushes, and Ginny pushed me into a chair and tied my skates for me. They used the neon paints and created fun custom tattoos on me and themselves. Hermione opened a package of pink glow bangle bracelets and pink glow glasses as well. Ginny grabbed the packages and threw a pair of glasses and tons of bracelets at me and I swiftly put them on. Hermione handed me a "Bride to be" flashing light up button.

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