Chapter 32- Love Shopping

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It was the day before the Bachelorette party. May I remind you that the party is THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING. I'm internally freaking out. To make things more interesting, Ginny has been using my marriage as an excuse to get things cheaper. I have no idea how that works, but it's odd. And extremely annoying at that.

"WE HAVE TO GO BUY THE RINGS! Wait dad has done that..." Ginny groaned.

Ive never seen her so excited. People say she has matured, but I highly doubt it.

"What about the dress? And the veil?" Hermione asked.

I smiled before Ginny could say anything else, "Let's do it! Before the groom's sister sprouts any more ideas."

We all laughed and headed into Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. We were shopping at Diagon Alley, which surprisingly had a lot for materials. Arthur had already bought the rings at a new wizard jewelry store called, Wizarding Wonders of Jewels and Crystals. They named it terribly I agree, but you have to do what you have to do to get a business up and running I suppose.

"Madame Malkin?" Hermione questioned into a oddly empty store.

Suddenly, an eccentric older woman with surprisingly chestnut hair flew into the room.

"Ah, my dears! Need new robes? You look a bit old to be going to school, but who can I question?" She added with a chuckle.

Hermione spoke up again, "I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Ginny Weasley and Sloane Wolfe. You may recognize us from 2 years ago."

She thought for a moment, "Sloane. Do I recall correctly that you bought a soft Tar Black robe? 8th Year?"

I nodded, grinning softly, "Oh yippy! And of course I remember you're names dears! I'm just not hat accurate and putting them with faces. It's such a killjoy sometimes."

Ginny pointed out, "Your HAIR looks exceptionally well. What products do you use?"

She clapped and gasped, "Well, don't ask me what's in it. I got it in Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions. They work magnificently great! Now, What can I help you with girls?"

I thought for a moment. Maybe I can clear my skin up and change my face shape a tad for the wedding.

Ginny spoke up excitedly, "SLOANE'S GETTING MARRIED! She needs a beautiful dress!"

The old woman's eyes lit up, "OH LOVELU! I have a whole section for that!"

I smiled and we followed her to a small door. She tapped a few times on it with her wand, and a normal-sized entrance carved its way in the wall. I love magic.

"Here we are! Look round as you please, everything is 10 galleons. I haven't been getting a lot of business lately. Twilfitt and Tatting's has a new line of fancy robes." She said with a light scoff.

Hermione and I walked through to the racks as Ginny pushed us aside and her eyes opened huge.

"OH THIS IS LOVELY! I'm definitely buying my dress here!" She squealed excitedly.

"Oh if only Harry could see her this excited about a wedding dress." I giggled and whispered to Hermione.

She nodded back and I went to go look at the bridesmaid dressed. We could worry about me in a bit. All the dresses were lovely and I could wait for them to be on Hermione and Ginny. I got their sizes, and I forced them to try them on. Hermione looked stunning and Ginny was too busy twirling in it for me to get a good look at her. I bought one for Luna and Phoebe in their estimated sizes, they could always adjust it with magic.

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