Chapter 18- Fate Has A Funny Way...

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I woke up feeling refreshed. Yawning, I waddled into the bathroom and took a warm shower, the water was a blanket over my body. I used a conjuring spell to summon my outfit for the day:

I slipped on white skinny jeans, pale pink sweatshirt and matching color flats, and changed my nails to the same pink color. I threw my still Lilac hair into a high ponytail with small curls at the tips. I threw in the pearl earrings from my birthday from Draco, the ring from Ron (which I never took off), and the necklace from Hermione and Ginny. I smiled and walked out, changing my eyes from the light aqua to a sparkling grey-blue. It reminded me of the friendship me and Draco used to have.

Ron rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, gasping afterwards, "What?" I asked. He walked over and kissed my cheek, "I thought I was dreaming."

He picked up my left hand and saw the ring, and he smiled slightly. "I never take it off." I whispered, admiring it.

Ron walked over to his closet, all the same in every dorm, boy or girl, Slytherin or Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. He slipped on jeans, grey sneakers, and a dark grey t-shirt. Promptly, he ran over and, literally, swept me off my feet. He ran down the stairs with me in his arms, saying good morning to Ginny and Hermione as they conversed on the couch. The Great Hall was cleaned due to magic last night, and he dropped me off next to his seat. As he walked up to talk to McGonagall about his class grade, a strong hand twirled me to face them in my chair. Fate has a funny way of killing your soul everytime it acts.

"Hello, Wolfe." Draco snarled. I spat, "What do YOU want, Malfoy."

He smirked and touched my ears, "I see you've worn the earrings." I smacked his hand away and turned back to my plate. He sat on my right and I could feel his gaze piercing me.

"What do you want?" I snapped, moving the food on my plate around with my fork.

"You know I love you even more when you're angry. Brings out the Slytherin in your eyes." He smirked. I spun at him, "Well I believe me being a Slytherin is a mistake. Just like meeting you." He seemed hurt but smirked his seductive smirk at me yet again, it seems he never went anywhere without that signature smirk.

"Your eyes... remind me of a handsome boy's eyes. Hmmm?" He leaned closer. I sighed, "Well I happen to like your eyes, so don't ruin that for me. I'll change them." I thought of my normal aqua and he grabbed my hand, lifting me out of my chair and gripped my waist, "They look beautiful on you," he whispered into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and I changed them back to the grey-blue that I've grown familiar with seeing. Then, out of the blue, he tried leaning in. All the compliments are just an excuse to use me.

I pulled away, "I have a boyfriend!" I yelled, storming out of the hall.

I ran to the library, to drown myself in the familiarity of the books I enjoy.

"Sloane? Oh thank god!" A weepy voice said. Instantly, a hand grabbed mine and dragged me behind an old dusty bookcase.

" What? HERMIONE?! Why are you crying..." I noticed her tear struck face.

She wiped one away and looked me in the eyes, "Oh its terrible! Ive tried to ignore it, but I just can't anymore!"

I gave her a puzzled look as she leaned against the bookcase, sinking into her knees.

"I love Fred. It's terrible, I know. I dated his little brother, your boyfriend Ron, last year and now I've fallen for him! Oh Sloane, please don't tell him!" She cried out as I nodded, "The way he comforted me, joked with me, and the way he smiled at me! It made my heart go wild, and I can't help myself! Being away from him has made me pained, too. Ginny would hate me, he's her closest brother! If she ever finds out..."

I calmed her, "No, no. She won't! I promise you."

I was still a bit hung up at the deal that Hermione had dated Ron and never told me! She told me everything else EXCEPT this? And the fact that he'd never told me himself hurt more. I rubbed her back soothingly and a familiar voice spoke hurtfully.

"Ive heard everything." A voice said, heartbroken. "Ginny, it's not-" I started to say but she interrupted me. "It's not what? Hermione and you plotting to set her up with Fred. She had a Weasley, and she's not taking that one. I need him, Sloane. George and him are my closest family and she can't take him away. Hermione, you better not talk to me... I need time right now."

Ginny walked away and I looked at Hermione. She just lost her best friend over a boy.

"Hermione, if she can lose your friendship that quickly then she wasn't worth it." I replied; as she cried into my shoulder, I realized it wasn't true. Ginny was one of the best friends you could ever have, and we both knew it.

Hermione and Fred were close friends over the course of the time I'd been there and we all secretly 'shipped' them as the muggle term is. I always thought they loved each other, but I guess he doesn't.

"I'm sorry, I can't right now." She managed to say through the tears.

She leapt up and ran out the library, the muffled whispers dying down as she ran past. I left the library, forgetting what I came originally to do.

Short chapter, I know. I'm heading to a party and listening to- get ready for it- podcasts. I know SOOO boring. They are interesting for all you haters, so go hate somewhere's else.

Well, imma go now so see you next chapter my little wizards. Gotta blast!

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