Chapter 24- Home

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I gulped at him saying that one dreadful line. He loves me... he can't love me! As much as he's hurt me; as much as he's ripped my heart in half and stomped on it; my heart belonged to  Ronald Bilius Weasley.

The next few days flew by. I stayed into my room, refusing to come out to eat. Deesey came in to offer me my food on a silver platter. Narcissa has entered my quarters a few times to "bond" with me. Whenever I opened my door and I caught the glimpse of Lucious descending or climbing the grand staircase, I slammed the door shut. I was terribly frightened of him.

After another 3 days, Ive decided Ive had enough. I had on a black tank top and faded jeans with complimenting black converse. I threw on a black skull patterned scarf and my brown leather jacket, throwing my navy-colored leather duffel bag over my shoulder with my more prized possessions inside [photo]. I quickly added a chap stick and shimmery polish to my lips, adding mascara and black eyeliner in a flicking motion to my eyelids and complimenting it with cobalt blue shadow

Draco was laying with me on my bed as I read a muggle story, since it was in the far corners of a bookshelf. I closed it suddenly. It was almost dinner on the second week of my stay.

"Draco... I think I have to go." I said nervously.

He looked at me with shock, "What?"

I exhaled my minty breath and sat up, Draco's arm slung around my shoulder lazily as he followed.

"Ron... he needs me. Hermione and Ginny would be worried. And-" He interrupted me with a horse scolding.

"Sloane, after everything he's done to you, you still choose HIM?!" Draco snarled.

I stood up in awe, "Well Mr. Malfoy, aren't you supportive."

I took note of his bleach blonde locks spread lazily on his pale scalp. Grey blue eyes, sparking with frustration and a glimmer of longing. His lips were pursed in an angry banter. Even in this phase, Draco still looked heavily attractive. I knew I was lucky to have a boy like this longing for my presence, since all the Slytherin girls were in love with him. Phoebe was the only exception. After the last few days, he has been staying with me in my bedroom and we have been bonding. We would share a couple discreet pecks on the lips or cheeks, but I made a a promise to myself to never speak of it. Not even think about them.

I grabbed my bags, using my wand to flick the clothes into the bag hastily.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He yelled. I turned at him, "To go be with my boyfriend!"
He looked at me with a look of distress and torment. He told me he loved me, and I turned him down on the harshest way possible. That day, I told him to leave my room in a calm matter. I ignored him the rest of that day and quickly made up with him in case I was to stay longer.

I took a deep breath and continued, "After all, you currently seem to hate me. And I despise seeing the poor elves in agony. Also, your father had almost physically abused me on the first day!"

His Adam's apple bobbed and I swore I saw the brim of his eyes fill with the briny substance of tears. I swiftly packed away the rest of my bags as the door erupted with a knock.

"Yes?" I inquired. The door opened slowly and my gaze fell the floor.

"Mistress Wolfe, why the long face? Deesey was asked to bring you down for a meal. Are you leaving so soon?" The ratty house elf asked.

I nodded slowly, "I'm sorry dear, you've been an absolute delight to me. I thank you Deesey, and please, thank Darby for cooking me the wonderful meals."

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