Chapter 12- The Snake and the Terrier

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It was a week after they had both asked me. I had thought for hours at night, in the presence of Pansy Parkinson and Phoebe Blackheart.

Phoebe was a pretty girl. She had a tall frame and somewhat muscular structure. She was the tallest of us three girls. Her silky blonde hair came down to her shoulders and brought out her olive eyes. She had a beauty mark above the upper right corner of her bright pink lips. She also had a tiny, secret, crush on Blaise Zabini.

Pansy, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky in appearance. I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way, maybe I'll figure her's out when I die. She had rough brown hair going to about her mid-back. Her face seemed hard or pug-like. Her eyes were a solid, dusty brown and glinted with a spark of interest when poking-fun at students. Her lips were a nasty shade of burgundy-tinted pink. Also, as everyone knows, she obsessed over Draco.

Blaise Zabini was a handsome guy. He had light brown skin and rough black hair that was very short. His brown eyes actually lit up when he smiled and laughed, unlike Pansy.

Lastly there was Draco. I found him to be very attractive, but I didn't fancy him, no. He had beautiful grey-blue eyes and a mischievous, lively smirk always seemed to be plastered on his pale skin. His soft white-blonde hair was slicked back on his head with a hard gel.

Tonight would officially be 2 weeks and 5 days away from October 5th, the day of the celebration. I had picked out a beautiful dress days before and hid it so Pansy couldn't ruin it. I had become marvelous friends with Phoebe, she had a light attitude and rarely poked fun at anybody. Sometimes, though, she would discreetly comment about Pansy herself.

I despised Pansy, and found out she had spent several times hanging out with Lavender. Serves them right, for they were both obnoxious. Pansy mutually returned my affections of hate, finding any time she could to embarrass me or tease me. My friends were right about her.

Draco and I were very close friends. He no longer despised Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the group. He had accidentally called Ron "Weaslebee" once and Hermione "mud-blood," but he jinxed himself not to do so anymore. We hung out at The Three Broomsticks a lot and he told me everything I had ever needed to know about Hogwarts- besides what Hermione had told me.


Today I woke up and stretched out my long, pale legs. I stepped into the shower and sighed as the warm water hit my body. After a long relaxing time I dried off using the spell Hermione had taught me and threw on a cute outfit.

I had a knit tan sweater with black patterns sewn into it and complimented it with a pair of black leggings. For shoes I threw on a pair of brown leather-looking combat boots and a golden watch, slipping on an amethyst arrowhead ring to add a little something. I also clasped the necklace Hermione and Ginny got me, along with the ring I never took off from Ron. [photo]

I used a spell to pierce my ears without infection and carefully pinned in two dangling dreamcatcher earrings. I did my makeup with a more light look of black eyeliner, mascara, and pale pink lipgloss.

Leaving my hair to hang freely down my back, I ran down the steps to see Ron. I have no idea how he keeps getting in here at such convenient times, but oh well. It was a Saturday, so thankfully no classes involved. Ron and I had every class together, though I sat next to Draco or Phoebe for Slytherin reputation purposes only.

"Hello Wolfie." He said smiling.

I laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Hogsmeade?" I asked quickly.

He shook his head, "I have something else in mind."


She looked lovely as ever. I told dad to expect me to bring home someone soon, for Christmas break. Also, I needed a date for the dance and there was no way I was bringing anyone but her. Wolfie was an angel and I wanted her to be mine.

"Where are we going?" She asked, hugging me tightly from behind.

I swooped downwards on my broom and we landed softly in the middle of an open field. A few trees stood in a narrow strip of forest and a hammock lay between two. She smiled brightly and hopped in, rocking back and forth slightly.

"Having fun, Wolfie?" I smirked.

She giggled and leaned back, and I knew what she didn't. I ran over with a wide expression as she fell with a surprised  look. To my premonition, I caught her as she landed heavily in my arms.

But she wasn't heavy at all, not to my dismay. Sloane was perfect. Her brilliant aqua eyes always glowing with a beautiful twinkle. Her long brunette hair swayed as she skipped, her smile mesmerizing. She was absolutely perfect, and Draco was never going to change that.

Suddenly, I felt our bodies inch closer as she lay in my arms, her small, delicate hands draped around my neck in a firm grip. We were inches apart to where I could feel her breath and smell her sweet vanilla scent.

Your POV

Ron's soft lips clashed against mine. I was hesitant at first, then I gave in. It was everything I'd ever imagined for a kiss.

He was an angel, but then it hit me. If anyone found out... I'd be ruined. I loved Ron, but I couldn't have this ruin him! Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, and Harry all knew my true values... but everyone else would despise us. A Slytherin and a Gryffindor would never work out!

Talk about forbidden love to the next level. This is a Romeo and Juliet story, except magical.

I broke off and I saw the glint of worry in his spectacular cerulean eyes. He expressed realization on his darling face and dropped me gently to my feet. He backed away.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I whispered, pained, as I apparated off.

Ron had taught me how last week, but it still made me slightly nauseous. I stumbled into the common room with a grunt and collapsed onto the couch, falling into someone's arms.

"Can't stay away, princess?"


Yoyoyo! Sorry it took so long, i had to do some revisions. I won't be updating a lot of my stories since it is Christmas Break and FAMILYYY TIMEEEE. Y'all know the drill.

See you next chapter my little wizards! Gotta blast!

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