Chapter 10- Finally Here

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I smiled when he broke off and the train erupted in cheers. I stumbled back towards the direction of the window as the Hogwarts Castle came into view. I was finally here.

"Wolfie..." Ron said awkwardly, "You do know you have a 25% chance of even being in my house..."

I gulped at that thought. I like Ron, I really did, and parting from him for my whole year would kill me.

"Are any of our friends in other houses?" I asked. "I don't want to be alone."

He smiled, "I'm in Gryffindor. As is Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Harry. Draco is in Slytherin and Luna is in Ravenclaw. You better hope you don't end up in Hufflepuff if you don't want to be alone."

I giggled at his last remark. I remember Hermione saying the exceptionally kind were in Hufflepuff. Extraordinarily smart in Ravenclaw, so I was surprised that she was sorted into Gryffindor. Slytherin for the hard-working but also somewhat evil students, and Gryffindor was for the brave souled. Ron seemed so shy, but he was a sweetheart and I've heard stories of his nobleness.

"We're here. Hogsmeade Station." Ron sighed.

I ran back to our compartment and grabbed my bags off the racks outside. Ron followed me closely behind as we furiously ran towards the gates. Teachers everywhere were guiding students to the Great Hall, where the meetings and feats were held. Everyone sat down as I was stopped at the grand doors.

"Miss Wolfe I presume? I'm Headmistress McGonagall." A tall woman with silvery gray hair and thin frame approached me.

I bowed at her in respect and she chuckled, "No need. Treat me as any other teacher. Since you're starting you're final but first year with us, so you'll be sorted first."

I thanked her and sat swiftly beside Ron, panting. I told them of the news and they whispered nervously, telling me they hoped to see me in Gryffindor. Suddenly, the students began clapping as Headmistress McGonagall swayed down the carpet aisle in between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. I clapped accordingly as she took her stand behind the wooden podium with the Hogwart's crest sealed onto the front.

"Good evening students. I'm pleased to welcome our faculty and staff this year, and all new students joining us today." She addressed, and the crowd erupted into whistled and claps yet again.

"This year, we have a student starting her first year in our newly added eighth year. Wolfe, Sloane." She gestured.

I walked up slowly and sat on a designated wooden stool. A hat was brought upon my hair, which was pulled up in a half up- half down style.

"Ah, Miss Wolfe. You're very difficult, hmm." The hat spoke.

I wasn't the least bit surprised, for Hermione HAD told me everything.

"Please, not Hufflepuff." I whispered gently.

The hat snickered, "Oh, is that so? You're very exceptionally kind to almost everyone! You sure you don't want Hufflepuff?"

I groaned, realizing he could hear me. He laughed out loud and thought again.

"Hmmm." He continued, "Very, very smart. Passion for reading as well. Ravenclaw, perhaps?"

I whispered, "I wouldn't mind, but it doesn't seem like me."

He sneered, "Ah, I truly agree. Choosing a house is all in your heart, whether you know it or not. Hmmm, Slytherin? You could accomplish GREAT things there with a mind like yours!"

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