Chapter 2- New and Improved

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As we were walking to the bathroom, fours sets of heavy footsteps stampeded up the stairs.

Ron and three other boys appeared. Two were tall, red headed boys who had the same facial and bodily structure, except one had no left ear. The other boy I knew automatically, Harry Potter. He smiled and his evergreen eyes sparkled. His round glasses complimented his dark raven hair perfectly. He had a small build, but wasn't extremely muscular- sort of like Ronald.

"Look Gred," The twin with one ear addressed.

Fred replied, "Yes Forge. We have a new guest. Mighty lovely even in that state, don't you agree?"

Forge responded, "I agree indeed. We should be heading off to our rooms now."

They left and Ginny giggled. I gave her a amused yet slightly confused look that read: Do they always act like that? She nodded as if she understood.

"The one called Gred is actually Fred, and Forge is George. They're awfully confusing people until you get to know them." Hermione explained.

"I'm Harry Potter, pleased to meet you." Harry introduced himself.

Ginny kissed his cheek, "Glad you're back from the shop. Get anything good?"

He nodded.

Ginny spoke again, "And love, I think she knows who you are. Doesn't everybody?"

I nodded with a small grin and saw Harry out stretch his hand. I shook it politely and they both went into the room Ron had told me earlier was his. Ginny placed the designated outfit on the brim of the sink and ran the shower.

"Call me if you need anything, I'll be in your room with Hermione helping you get situated." She said nicely, and left the bathroom closing the door.

I stepped into the hot shower and I felt myself immediately melt into the warmth. I haven't had a shower in years, for my father hadn't allowed me. Time flew by as I used the shampoos and conditioners on the rack in front of me, and I felt completely soothed. What I thought was minutes, was actually more than a half hour- at a whopping 45 minutes- when Ginny barged in.

"Lets go, dinner is almost ready!" She yelled and left again.

I turned off the water and stepped out into a rough towel. Hermione walked in, for she was a girl as well and didn't really care.

"I'll help dry your hair quickly. Lets go!" She giggled.

I dried myself off and put on the dark blue skinny jeans, gray knit sweater, and raspberry pink and purple infinity scarf. I put on the indigo slip-on shoes and Hermione stood back. [photo]

"You're lovely. Makeup time!" She gasped.

She did a complicated wave with her wand and said some unreadable spell and I felt my wet clingy hair straighten out and stretch until it was its soft, lengthy, dry state once more. She quickly twisted it into a lose braid cascading down my back. I looked in the small mirror and my blue eyes were no longer glazed over but instead were shiny and sparkled their aqua-blue again. She applied a beautiful silver eyeshadow, which she complimented by a cat eye eyeliner and black mascara. She applied a pale pink lip gloss to my soft lips and smiled. [photo]

"You look gorgeous! No need for blush, though, your cheeks are already a dusty rose. Lets head downstairs, that took longer than expected." She replied.

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