"I'm sorry it's just..." He bit his lip.

"Do you ever get the feeling that something bad is going to happen?" He finally asked.

Mandarin froze.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Trent drew his knees in closer.

"I mean I just get this weird feeling in my stomach that something's going to happen and it's going to be terrible." He muttered.

Mandarin stared for a second.

"Trust your intuition, now get out of my bed." Mandarin ordered before picking him up, setting him on the floor, and laying in his bed.


"Trust your intuition. If you truly feel that something terrible might happen, then trust it and be on guard. Besides we don't know where or when my clone will strike again." He said.

Trent shakily nodded.

"And don't mull over it either, it will only deteriorate your health."

Trent nodded again, he was right. Right now he needed food and company.

"Alright...thank you." He said before leaving the room.

Mandarin watched him go and sighed. He hated to admit it, but he felt the same way. Something was going to happen...and he felt he wouldn't like the outcome very much. He didn't need this stress right 's not good for him or the Tabithian, which then began to move again.

He rubbed his stomach, the maternal feelings prickling him. The moments between him and the child became less and less brief as time went on. Sometimes this experience would go for a few hours or so and this wasn't an exception.

"Please let me sleep, just for a little while." Mandarin said softly.

He didn't expect a response since fetuses were incapable of doing such things, but having it kick anyway was sort of comforting.

And yet still so weird!

Mandarin sighed as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Chiro looked at the scanners again, nothing! He sighed, why was he hiding again? Shouldn't he at least bring his formless into the city and have them cause destruction? What is Skelemandarin up to? He felt Antauri put a hand on his shoulder.

"I understand you're frustrated Chiro, but we can't look at the scanners all day. There is still much to do." Antauri said.

Chiro paused before nodding, agreeing.

"Yeah, like picking out wall colors!" Otto said, holding up pallets.

Chiro raised an eyebrow as he went to the others.

"Shouldn't Mandarin be picking out colors?" He asked.

"He's tired so we should let him get some rest." Willow said.

"The kid is already doing a number on him. Not even getting one hour of sleep." Nova sighed.

Chiro nodded and looked at the colors.

"So what should we pick for the living room?"

Sprx thought it over.

"Maybe a dark and gloomy color, that would match his personality." He said.

"I know Mandarin, and he would want an earthy color for the living room." Otto said.

"You know we should ask him this when he gets up." Trent said.

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