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Before any of them could respond, the Dark One swirled his hand in a circle then a cloud of maroon smoke surrounds the trio. When it disappeared, Everly couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Killian was now wearing a brown suit and Emma was wearing a beautiful red dress with her hair done up in a bun. It only took another moment for Everly to realize what had happened before she looked down to see herself wearing a purple dress and her hair was now in a braid with a variety of flowers from top to bottom. A small smile formed on her face as she glanced down at her necklace to see all the charms turned to gold and her bracelets covered by the sleeves of her dress.

"The Savior can't come this far and not play princess for a day," the Dark One said as the smile on his face slightly grew.

"But I'm not supposed to stick out," Emma stated without even trying to hide the panic in her voice as she stared at the shiny-skinned man, "what if someone remembers me in the future?

"Because what you had before was such an intricate disguise?" Rumplestiltskin mocked while he looked between the three heroes in front of him, "now, speaking of which, I've returned those stolen rags, luckily before they were missed. I mean, it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amateurs...allow me."

The three from the future exchanged a confused look before the Dark One made a mirror appear out of thin air. Everly just stared at the object in the man's hands for a long moment before she realized her facial features changed...all their facial features changed.

"A glamor spell. This is how you shall appear to one and all," the Dark One explained after seeing the confusion on their faces before the mirror vanished into thin air, "now, run along, and do everything you can to make sure Snow White gets that ring. Once they're back on track, everything else will be, too."

────── ★★★ ──────

When the three of them finally reached the front gates of King Midas' golden palace, Killian handed the guards their invitation to the ball. Everly heard the Savior and the pirate having a hushed conversation in front of her but she didn't much pay attention to it. Instead, the Jones girl looked around the huge ballroom while trying to take everything in.

"Greetings," a new voice greeted, pulling Everly out of her thoughts as she turned to face a man in a crown, "I am King Midas, father of the bride. Who do I have the honor of welcoming into my home?"

"I am...I am Prince..."

"Charles. Prince Charles," Emma responded for Killian, who continued to stare at the king with wide eyes, "and I'm Princess...Leia."

"And you are?" King Midas asked after his eyes landed on the blonde girl standing a few feet behind him.

"Lady Rapunzel."

"It's an honor to have you all," the king told them before he turned towards one of his guards while Everly ignored the irritated looks from Emma and Killian, "announce Prince Charles, Princess Leia, and Lady Rapunzel."

After they were announced, Killian and Emma headed to the dance floor while Everly went to the side of the room and watched the couples dance. It was sort of odd being the only one there not accompanied by someone but she knew she was going to have to get used to it.

The music changed while the Jones girl's eyes scanned the room as most of the couples proceeded to the dance floor. Everly was almost convinced that she didn't know anyone in the room until her attention landed on a face that was far too familiar. He looked almost exactly like the boy she met on Neverland except for his eyes. They were far too blue to be the boy she was thinking of.

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