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The Jones siblings stayed at the cemetery for another hour before they decided to leave and head to Granny's. As soon as they reached the small building, David, Emma, and Killian rushed out the door. The three adults quickly told the two teens that there was a situation at the town line before they jumped into their cars and drove away.

Everly and Sam stood on the patio of Granny's diner until the vehicles were out of sight then they turned and walked into the diner. Neither of them said a word as they walked across the tile floor to sit down at a table with Henry and Mary Margaret. Everly sent her nephew a small smile before ordering a drink and some food from Ruby. As they waited for their orders to arrive, the blonde girl got an odd feeling in her stomach. Like she was being watched. A small sigh passed over her lips as she inconspicuously glanced around the diner while silently hoping she was just being paranoid. She wasn't.

On the other side of the diner, a redheaded girl was staring straight back at her from a table across the room. The two girls just stared at each other until the bell by the door rang. Everly watched as the girl's attention went to the source of the sound before every muscle in her body stiffened. Confusion coursed through the Purest Heart's veins at the stranger's sudden change in demeanor then she followed the girl's gaze to find three kids walking in.

Everly just stared at the newcomers for a moment before her eyes went back over to the girl to see her eyes widen to the size of small planets. The redhead just sat there as still as a stone for another moment then she quickly put money on the table and ran. It wasn't long before the three kids followed right behind her.

"I'll be right back," the Jones girl said as she got to her feet without taking her eyes off of where they disappeared.

"Don't do anything crazy," Henry and Sam told her, causing the former to send the blonde boy a confused look while Everly headed towards the backdoor.

The Purest Heart caught a glimpse of the trio as soon as she got into the alley before she followed them around the corner of the building. She did her best to stay out of sight as they continued to chase the redhead down the alley until they managed to corner her. Everly just watched them as they had an inaudible conversation before she saw the fear in the girl's eyes. Before the Jones girl could make a move toward them, one of the newcomers stepped forward and pushed the loner to the concrete below her. Everly instantly picked up her pace to reach them before the group could cause any more damage, completely oblivious that they already had.

"You are nothing but a sad little orphan. No one cares about you. No one loves you," the girl hissed as the redheaded girl flinched away from them.

Anger flowed through the Jones girl's veins as she placed herself in between the girl and the trio surrounding her. Just as she was about to open her mouth, a force hit the side of her face and made her stumble back a bit. After fully registering that one of them just punched her in the face, Everly shot them a glare as blood dripped from her nose.

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ²Where stories live. Discover now