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Everly spent hours just sitting at the wishing well and reliving one of the worst days of her life. She would have stayed there even longer but decided she should head back before her family sent out a search party. As she walked through the streets of Storybrooke, Everly kept her head down and eyes glued to the concert at her feet. She wove through various citizens and walked down a few allies before she finally reached her destination.

The Jones girl just stared up at the glowing sign of Granny's diner for what felt like an eternity then she let out a sigh and walked in. No one said a word as she walked towards the booth where her family was before she sat down next to Sam. Everyone's eyes seemed to study her for a long moment before they went back to listening to Henry read his grandparents' story to the baby.

"Really?" Emma asked with a small smile on her face after she and Killian walked up to join them, "I can't hear the kid's name but I have to listen to this story again?"

"Well, my son should know where he comes from," David responded as a smirk slowly formed on his face before he placed a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Are you sure you want the first thing he knows to be that his parents fell in love during an armed robbery?" Everly questioned while Sam and Katherine chuckled, causing Mary Margaret to look over at the blonde girl with slightly widened eyes.

"I wasn't armed."

"Except with a rock," Ruby retaliated, earning a playful glare from the princess.

"I still have the scar," David added while scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Which healed," Mary Margaret defended herself before looking down and whispering to her baby, "but that's just how we met. It's not how we fell in love."

"Yeah, that was a bit more complicated," David sighed as he looked around at everyone that surrounded him before he leaned forward to turn the page of Henry's storybook to continue their story.

A small smile appeared on Everly's face as she listened to her biological parents go back and forth about how they saved each other's lives. David then went on about how when he placed the ring on her finger he knew Mary Margaret was the one. Just as the charming prince was wrapping up his story, Everly noticed Sam whisper something to Katherine. A giant grin appeared on Katherine's face as soon as she finished taking in his words before they both got to their feet.

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