Chapter 17: Kai's POV

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"Hyung!!" I turned around as Sehun ran in the dorm rooms. 

"Did you drive here?" He shook his head and told me that his brother dropped him off. "What do you want?"

"I know you, Lay Hyung, and Baekhyun Hyung are going to the movies, I was wondering if you could drop me off somewhere." Sehun had a large smirk on his face. He wore nice clothes and his hair was done in a very professional way. 

"Sure, where?" I grabbed the car keys.

"JYP Entertainment. I want to go see Minah. To day is D-Day." He had a large smirk on his face. Baekhyun jumped up in excitement.

"You are actually proposing today!! Let me see the ring. Wau, it is so beautiful. Minah will like it, I just know." Baekhyun had a large smirk on his face. 

"Okay but I'm not driving." Lay spoke the words.

"Me neither!!" Baekhyun yelled the words. "Shotgun!" He ran into the car and jumped in. 

"Sehun you drive." Lay looked at me in confusion. He mouthed, are you serious to me. I nodded my head. Lay was easily convincing, and Baekhyun just goes along with it. 

"Really?!" Sehun grabbed the keys while Lay and I got in the car. Eventually Sehun came in and started the car. 

"Sehun, let me read the note." Sehun shook his head. 

"Annyio, Hyung. I am going to say it to Minah first. I don't want anyone else knowing what it says." Sehun began turning the corner into the street.

"Where are you going?" I stopped him on the back. 

"I am turning right here, and then shooting down the street." Sehun spoke the words. Baekhyun was on his phone taking pictures, while Lay was staring out the window.

"No, take the freeway it is 10 minutes quicker. Than we can make it to our movie on time." Sehun groaned and turned around towards the freeway. From then on it was a bit of a blur. 

~~End of Flashback~~

We stood in front of his body. He was pale white, lifeless, and dead. Tears fell down my face, and all I could think was that it was my fault. His parents and brother just left, because they couldn't take anymore of it. 

EXO, Minah and Alice, we all stood in front of Sehun's body. Minah kept her composer as she cried silently. Alice and Kyungsoo Hyung watched over her as he stared at his body. Slowly she walked up and held his hand, her own shaking. 

I put Minah in this position. I made her like this, because I made Sehun drive. That should be me, not Sehun. Now we have to tell the fans. Now we have to tell Luhan. 



I stared at Minah as she went on a rampage yelling at me. She wasn't far off from the truth, I caused this all. Never has any of us seen her drunk, but this was it. This is drunk Minah, yelling and cursing at me. 

"Minah, stop it! It is not his fault." Kimber-shi spoke the words loudly at her.  

"Annyio, she is right."I stopped Kimber from speaking, taking a sip of the soju in front of me. "I convinced everyone to let Sehun drive, because no one else did. I told him to take the freeway instead of the safer route. I caused this." It hurt more saying it out loud than hearing it from anyone else. Chugging the rest of the shot in front of me, I sat back and watched Minah. Allowing the girl to continue to curse at me until she passed out. 


We all sat in the living room of the dorms. Minah was out into bed. She shared a room with Suho, since she wanted to stay in the room Sehun was once in. Suho Hyung seems to be alright with it, but if it was me, that would be too awkward. 

"I wished I could have said sorry." Kyungsoo broke the silence. We turned towards him as he slumped in his chair. "I yelled at Sehun that morning about the laundry. It was his day to clean, but he took off to his brothers place. I wanted to call and say sorry, but I decided I would wait until the evening." 

"It's not your fault. We can't go back anymore, so all of you stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Sehun is dead." Suho Hyung spoke the words. His voice cracked a bit. "We just have to go on living our lives. Yes, we have some new people who are living with us for now, but we can't change that." Suho Hyung got up and went to his room.

The rest of us sat in silence. "I think we should tell Luhan, Tao, and Kris first. I talked to CEO Kim, and he agreed with me." Xiumin Hyung spoke up. "The fans we also have to tell one way or another. There is a fan signing coming up in two days, and I think it would be best if we told them then."

"Two days?! That is a bit too soon." Chanyeol spoke up. 

"No, two days is a bit too late." Lay spoke. "We need to tell the fans as soon as possible so they can get through their grieving. Sehun would want that." 

"Sehun would want that.." I laughed to myself. Yeah, Sehun would want to not be dead and engaged to Minah right now. He would want to live his life happily not sad. 

"We should get to bed. It is agreed that in two days we will tell the public. Tomorrow we can call Luhan, Tao and Kris about Sehun. Yes, they would be mad that we didn't tell them about the funeral, but we have to tell them sometime." Kyungsoo Hyung spoke the words. "I will make breakfast tomorrow, so make sure you can get up early enough to get it." 

He then walked up stairs to his room. The rest of us sat there and then went to bed. Our maknae has died and nothing can change that. Nothing can change the feeling I have in my gut, and nothing can change the way Minah will look at me. Or at least the way she will look at any of us. I guess we can just see in the morning. 

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