Chapt. 3: Kimber POV

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Go Bum and I sat across each other just staring at each other. I imagined myself punching her in the face, but I allowed my anger to be buried within, and decided to let it out with words. Not violence.

"Who is talking first?" She asked this. I wanted to punch her even more for saying that. 

"Touch him and I will hurt you." I told her this with no hesitation what so ever.

"Awe how cute. Your little threats don't scare me like they do to the stupid maknae in EXO." She said this with the most annoying voice ever. I have never felt so inclined to punch someone ever like this in my entire life.

"I may not have a great relationship with Sehun, but he is my friend. Do not call my friend stupid." I told her this clenching my fist to prevent me from hurting her. "Why are you even here? Huh?" 

She laughed a bit and then looked at me in the most psychopathic way possible. That is coming from a complete snake. "I want to get Jimin back as mine. I was going to go through any path and way. That has been the main goal from the beginning. I just guess I was lucky to get stuck with TMPD, the group who is always with Jimin. Not to mention I get to have a little fun by breaking the heart of one of the members in the group. I want to be a solo person, but it is hard. I got rid of one of you, all I need to do is get rid of the others." Her smirk was mocking me to punch it.

I stood up and walked over to her. Raising my fist I was just about to hit her in the face. Punch, hit, smack, anything to let out my anger for this dog. I smacked her across the face. He just stayed emotionless and looked back at me. "Feel better?" She said this in the most annoying way ever. 

I am so angry, I can't even figure out what to call any of my feelings or the way she is saying things. "Stay away from Jimin. Stay away from Alice. Stay away from EXO. Hurt any of my friends and I promise you will regret it." I said these words and walked out the dorms.

I needed to cool down, and I knew exactly who to go to, Kai. I turned and walked straight into EXO's dorms and walked to the fridge. I grabbed a water bottle and began drinking it. Chen walked down and saw me. 

"That is mine." He said this and I practically choked. I closed the bottle and looked down a bit embarrassed. It is a bit awkward when your first and former bias is the person to catch you drinking out of his water bottle. Although, I had no feelings like that for Chen anymore. I just found certain scenarios embarrassing. 

I put the bottle to the side and bowed to him. "Sorry. Hello Chen Sunbae." I said the words. Chen walked over and rubbed my head. 

"It is fine. What you doing here?" He asked the question as he grabbed him another bottle.

"Wanted to talk to Kai Sunbae. Is he here?" I said this and sat on the couch.

"Yeah, he is upstairs in his room. You up." Chen said this and continued to drink some of the water he had just poured.

"Are you sure he is dressed?" I asked the question remembering what Minah told us about her incident with Suho in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I am sure he is. Just go." Chen said the words. The same words I trusted, but people always learn to not trust certain things. 

I counted the doors down to find Kai's. Finally I ended up their and knocked softly. Then I opened the door. 

Kai stood their putting on a shirt and smiled over at me. "Hey." He said the words and finished putting the shirt on. I closed my eyes a bit and then reopened them. 

"What's up?" He asked this and sat on his bed. I sat across him on Sehun's. "Straighten the sheets when you leave, it bothers him if you don't. He doesn't usually like other people in our room, and when ever anyone else is in here, we always have to make sure everything is exactly how it was. Although, Suho and Chanyeol broke into the room on his birthday, freaking the kid out. For payback they did the same to Suho on his birthday. Chanyeol is having a party. Are you going?" Kai spoke quite fast.

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