Chapter 4: Minah's POV

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"The theme that you have is darkness." My new manager sat in front of me giving me the basics of what I will be doing.

"So, you will have a big brother who will show you around. I talked to JYP and we agreed that Jackson would be a good match. Jackson speaks almost fluent English and he has a lot of experience with the company."

"What about Mark? Isn't he from America and speaks fluent English?" I asked the question hoping I would not get Jackson. In no way was I letting him watch me. I mean I don't care, but Jackson makes a chill go down my spine whenever I was near him.

"Mark is too young. Jackson is a great fit and I already discussed it with JYP." My manager made his point. He handed me a paper that had a list of songs on them.

"Different song titles we are thinking. Although, we haven't yet created the song lyrics. Just titles for now." I stared at the list.

One title pointed out towards me. Lost Love. Immediately I thought about Sehun. A kid I would see on television. The kid I did not remove my eyes from at the award show.

"I can write this one." I pointed at the title.

"Good, I am really glad you can comply." My manager smiled and walked out the room.

I looked at my phone. The current news taking about EXO, BTS, all types of other groups, and then there TMPD and my transfer. A text came through and I hesitated to look at it.

Text from Sehun:
Did you know that Chanyeol and Alice are engaged? How are you holding up at the other company?

Should I respond or not? As much as I wanted to talk to him, I feared that he hated me. Although, if he hated me, then why would he be texting me?

"Aren't you going to respond?" I hit the shadow above me and heard a loud groan come from behind me. Jumping out of my seat I happen to see Jackson laying on the ground.

He rubbed the top of his head and sat up. "You hit hard; and with your phone of all things."

"Sorry Sunbae." I bowed to him and talked to him in a formal way. "My unnis at the other company use to sneak up on me and we would play tricks on each other. Plus I am not use to hearing your voice yet."

"You never watched our showtimes or music videos? Dream Knights? Real Got7? Any of those." Jackson stood up rubbing his head.

"Uh, I saw Dream Knights, and watched your music videos, but you aren't my favorite group. Although, I did check to see what you where all doing here and there." How to make yourself sound like a stalker 101.

"Maybe I could change your mind about that." Jackson leaned a bit towards me. I backed up and eventually stood up.

"Uh," I laughed a nervous laugh. "Yeah, not going to happen hot shot." I spoke in English.

"What part of America are you from?" He stood up.

"Vegas." I smiled and sighed. "Must have done research on me, huh?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see who I was dealing with. I am from Hong-Kong." Jackson smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I did research on everyone in JYP before I got here." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff. Again staring at the text.

Text from Sehun:
Are you busy? Sorry if you are and I am bothering you. Let's meet when you are free, I have somethings to discuss with you.

Finally I responded:
Do you think that is safe? You and I meeting.

Text from Sehun:
I don't care. Let's meet at the SM Cafe.

Text respond:
Too risky. I know a good cafe near the BigHit building. Let's meet there.

Text from Sehun:
Deal. Let's meet at 1pm.

I looked at my clock. I have 14 minutes to be there. "I have arrangements that I must be getting to. We can talk later Jackson." I smiled and walked out.

"Yah! Don't talk down to me." I heard him yell the words as I walked out.

Manager Oppa would be no use, so I just decided to take a taxi. Putting on my sunglasses and mask, I halled a cab and told them the destination.

Questions raced through my head. What does Sehun need to tell me so urgently? Why am I meeting the guy I like who I have odd complications with? Should I tell him that my solo debut song is about him? If something today changes, could I change the lyrics I have in mind?


Sehun sat in the cafe with sunglasses on. I took off my mask so I only had sunglasses also.

"Hello." I sat down while saying the words.

"Hi." He smiled. "Minah, I am just going to get straight to the point. I like you. I am sorry I was a foul that said I didn't but I do. I know you still like me, because of that speach you made and at the awards ceremony. I could see you looking."

I was speachless. This was nothing what I imagined or thought could happen. More over he saw me being a complete stalker.

"Please, can't we be together? Even if we are in two separate companies." Sehun leaned forward a bit.

No words came out of my mouth. I wanted to say that I was fine with us being together. That I have always wanted that, but I was too afraid and vain before. Though, again I was completely frozen and shocked.

"Liv?" My real name. A name that I only heard from him.

"Uh..." I kept on studdering. "Y-y. S-Sehun. Um, I. I really do like you. Really. You and I, okay." The only words my brain and my words can form. The only thing they could say or do.

"I will take that as a yes." He stood up and grabed my hand. "I want to give you something."

He reached into his pocket and took out a beautiful necklace. Sehun turned me around and put the necklance on me.

"What does it say?" I couldn't read out the letters.

"I know it's cheesy, but I overheard Alice call us this. Minhun. Our ship name." I laughed at it.

"Yes it is cheesy, like really cheesy, but it is cute. Like you." What am I saying? Who is this person who has corrupted my mind and emotions?

Sehun walked over and hugged me. "I am glad we are dating."

"Me too." I have been corrupted. The words coming out of my mouth are words that I am not even filtering.

Sehun hugged me tighter nudging his head in the nook between my shoulder and chin.

Suddenly words that I had once blew off and ignored now popped into my head. Words that made a lot more sence now then they did when I was in middle school.

You have to let something valuable go, to gain something more precious.

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