Chpt. 1 Minah's POV

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I stopped the JYP representative for a second and told him that I had to do one thing before I left the SM building. He argued with me, saying that JYP himself wanted to meet with me, but finally agreed that any unfinished business I should clear up now.

I ran down to the practice room, to see all of EXO there. It is a bit embarrassing to finish our conversation like this, but we must do what is needed. I walked in and went straight to Sehun. A small mumble came from Kai, but I ignored him.

"I understand you no longer like me and that I know have a zero percent chance with you know, but I want you to know that I will take you down. That I am going to ignore that, and continue to like you. I am going to beat you at every competition we could possibly have until you see me more than, well, this." I told him confidently. What was I even saying?? Beating the leader of Maknaes? Impossible.

"What is that suppose to mean? Liv," Sehun stopped and looked down.

"It means that I am leaving SM." I said this right then and there, not afraid of anything else.

"Your leaving??!!!" All of EXO asked this at the same time. Baekhyun came over to me with D.O. and they looked over at me. Actually all of EXO moved in closer.

"I just signed a contract with JYP Entertainment, and my contract starts right away. That is why I am saying that I will beat you. Sehun, I still love you, and I don't think I will ever stop liking you, but that does not mean I can make a name for myself." I said this wondering what I was saying.

"I told you that it was too late since you answered me a month later. You still will not give up? You think you can beat me? That just makes you an idiot." He said this to me, which kind of made all of EXO just stare at him.

"Sehun-ie, be a bit more nicer." Kai said this. 

"Annyio, this is what I want to tell her. She can't beat me, because I am the best. Liv, you can try your best, but it will not be any use. You won't succeed, and you will never gain my heart back." Sehun said this and turned around. He then grabbed some of his water and stood there ignoring me.

"Fine,  but don't say I didn't tell you so." I walked out and went to my knew van. It was pure black, but had silver bumpers. 

We got into the van and started our journey to JYP Entertainment. 

Sehun's POV

How could she just pack up her bags and leave like that? If she leaves TMPD, she won't be living next door. If she leaves SM, I won't even run into her at the company. The only times I could possibly run into now was if we went to Mama with her, and if she went to Mama. Also we could see each other at an other competitions, and comeback stages. 

Speaking of, how can she get through those all by herself and with no one by her side. It made me a bit worried for her and I didn't want to stop seeing her. 

"How could you say that you no longer have feelings for her? Sehun you complain every night that she hasn't texted you or said that she hasn't given you an answer. Now what do you do?  The moment she gives you an answer, you say no." Kai Hyung yelled this at me.

"I have to agree with Kai, you are being a really huge idiot for saying no. Minah is a great person, and you and her would have made a cute couple." D.O. Hyung said this. He hit my arm, which made me fall, and then the top of my head. 

"Aish, Hyung!!" I yelled this at him. 

"I proposed to Alice." Chanyeol Hyung just randomly said this. "Although, maybe today was not a good day to propose. That is since Minah has left TMPD." Chanyeol Hyung had slight regretful eyes.

"Annyio. You and Alice are ment to be together." Baekhyun Hyung said this and messed with his hair.

Some of me was actually starting to regret rejecting Minah. I really do like her, but I am too late now.

Although, she did say she would wait for me.

Minah's POV

The company was smaller than SM, but still was huge in a way. I followed the representative closely and watched everyone who walked by.

Many would stare and whisper things as I walked pass. Bambam and Jackson suddenly ran past and stopped when seeing me.

Bambam walked over and waved at me. "Are you new here?" He was stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I just signed a contract. You must be Bambam and Jackson from Got7." I smiled after saying this.

"Uh, okay. Hope you enjoy it here. Call me Oppa or Sunbae. Same with Jackson." Bambam said this with a smile.

"Annyio, call me Oppa and only Oppa." Jackson said this with a smile.

"I really must get going." I bowed to them and continued to follow the representative.

The representative and I walked into Jay Park's office. The two of us bowed when seeing him and he looked at me with a smile.

"Bolivia Long!!" He came over and gave me a hug.

"Please call me Minah. My stage name." I smiled upon saying the name.

"Minah, if you like it, I like it. Minah, I am going to give you somethings for coming into JYP Entertainment. Okay?" He smiled and sat down in front of me.

"Okay." I smiled and situates myself comfortably on the couch.

"First, you are getting your Manager. Mr. Yoon Kim Tae." A young man in his 30s walked in and bowed.

He wore a plad shirt and blue jeans. "Hello Minah, I hope we can work well together." He shot his hand towards me and shook it. 

"I do too." I smiled at him. Here comes my new life.

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