Chapter 16: Kimber's POV

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I hate going to funerals. They are just way too depressing and everyone is wearing black. Not like I have a problem with it, I just don't like how I can't pull anything here. Like bad jokes and stuff like that.

Sehun is dead, and there is no way he is coming back. They said that they saw his body lying there lifeless. Alice described everything to me, and how no one stopped crying. Even Kyungsoo was crying for the young maknae.

Although it did make me sad. Even if I hated Sehun, I did have fun arguing with him. Now at the EXO dinners there is no one to argue with, no one to send remarks.

His parents and older brother sat in the funeral room. I walked in with Alice and Minah behind me. It was almost like Minah broke down, not saying anything since he died. I heard from Xiumin, and he said Minah had been staying over the dorms, but not saying anything. She would randomly cook and clean, but not speak a word or show emotions.

Alice and I spike our condolences, but Minah said more. We stood and listened.

"You're Liv, Sehun's girlfriend." Sehun's brother spoke the words.

"Yeah, it is nice seeing you again." She bowed. "I am sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, and I am sorry for yours also. You were the women who Sehun was in love with. When he died, they found this on him." Sehun's brother gave Minah a note that had blood on it and a black box. "I saw him writing this when he visited the house. He said that it was a special gift for you."

Minah grabbed the note with shaking hands, spoke to the parents, and then walked with us out of the room.

We sat next to EXO having food and soju. We talked, but the mood was really low. "Yah, you can't drink." Alice stopped Minah from grabing the soju bottle.

Minah had just finished reading the letter and seeing ahat was inside. She had tears in her eyes, but nothing fell. Minah just grabbed the soju bottle and began chugging it.

We tried stopping her, but by the time we got the bottle out of her mouth, it was empty. "How dare he die on me!!" She yelled the words.

Alice read the letter and then looked at me in shock. She then handed it to me while trying to calm down the drunk Minah.

Liv Long. Someone who came into my life out of a blue. Someone who I liked from the start, but as usual became a jerk to. You are someone who is always on my mind, and brightens me up. Liv, as long as you are with me I can feel normal. Liv Long please make me happy and marry me. I don't care what people think of us, I just want to be happy. You make me happy. Liv, please, marry me.

I grabbed the black box to see a diamond ring inside. An engagement ring at that. The note was covered in blood, Sehun's blood.

"I would have said yes you bloody idiot." Minah cried as she spoke.

EXO just watched us. Kyungsoo sat next to her with Kai across from her. Kai just looked down but his head shot back up when Minah pointed at him.

"IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Kai's eyes wide and hurt. "IF YOU HADN'T LET HIM DRIVE, HE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE. THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU!!!" I wanted to hit her for saying that to Kai. He was going through so much guilt and Minah didn't make it any better.

"Minah, stop it! It is not his fault." I spoke the words loudly at her.

"Annyio, she is right."Kai stopped me while taking a sip of his soju. "I convinced everyone to let Sehun drive, because no one else did. I told him to take the freeway instead of the safer route. I caused this." He finished off his shot.

I couldn't say anything back to that. Why try to stand up for someone, who doesn't want to stood up by? It would just be a waist of my time.

Minah grabbed the ring with shaking hands. She slipped it onto her left hand, and bust into tears. Alice and Kyungsoo patted her on the back. "Just cry."

"I will take her home." Alice spoke when Minah finally passed out.

"No, you aren't suppose to be making full contact with her. We will take her back to the dorms. She has been staying in Sehun's old bed. Minah refused to change anything or to leave. She even got clothes in two suitcases and brought it. Alice-shi, just go home." Chanyeol kissed Alice on the forehead.

Alice looked shocked, but just nodded back. The boys got up and Suho slung Minah over his back. "Bye." I waved and took another sip of soju.

"Where is Go Bum?" Alice asked the question.

"She had to run to the hospital. Murmuring something about her Uncle. I wasn't really paying atrention." I spoke the words, my head pounded. "I think I'm going to go home."

Alice nodded her head. "Same." We got up and finally went to the dorms. Immediately I collapsed on my bed and went to sleep. Sehun died, and now we have to tell EXO-L's. This won't end well.

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