Chapter 13

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Dean closed his eyes and had tears in them. Here is his life and now he will be with his nana. The only true person that ever loved him when he was growing up.

"Open you fucking eyes, I want you to see it coming boy. You deserve it and I want to make sure you see." Frank looked at him with hateful eyes.

Dean looked up and his eyes were full of fear and tears. Was his dad really going to do this to him. He looked over to Roman and whispers "Please Roman get up and help me."

Frank looked at Dean and turned and looked at Roman and laughs. "He won't be helping you Dean, so don't be count on it. Just look at daddy now. I will help you."

Dean did as he was told, and tried one more time to plead with his dad. "Dad I am sorry I'll do whatever you want, just don't do this."

Frank laughs, "Son you are doing what I want, I want you dead and out of my fucking life so shut the fuck up. Damn your voice is annoying now."

What seemed like hours was only seconds when his dad fired the gun and the bullet hit him. His head hit the ground and stared at the ceiling.

Few minutes later Dean woke up screaming. "Noooooooo!!!!!!" He was breathing heavy and touching his head. He looked around and sweating badly and felt a hand touching him. He got scared and jumped off the bed and ran to the corner.

Roman turned on the light and went over to Dean who had his knees to his chest and crying and staring at the door. He didn't know what to do, he slowly touch his arm again and Dean flinched from his touch.

"Dean it's alright, it was a dream."

Dean was mumbling something and he couldn't make it out. He was rocking back and forth. He rubbed his hand and hopefully get some respond from him, but nothing for a while just mumbling.

Roman sat next to Dean and put his arm around him slowly and noticed he laid his head down on his shoulder. Roman kisses his head and and rubs his arm. He didn't say anything he let Dean calm down, he was thinking what could possibly make him like this?

Dean calmed down. "He shot me an-and I-I died and no one could help me. It felt so real Roman. How can that happen, I mean it was a dream, but the...the bullet felt so damn real."

"I don't know Dean, but your right it was a dream. I would never let that happen ever. Your dad is in jail, and won't hurt you again."

Dean looked up at him. "Can you promise that Roman?"

Roman looks at Dean. How can he make a promise to him when he wasn't sure his self?

"See you can't promise me that, cause your not answering me Roman." Dean lays his head back down on his shoulder.

Dean started to shriver. They were still naked and pulls his knees up to his chest and looks around the room, but mostly at the door. He gets up slowly and puts on his boxers and sits on Romans bed and looks down on the floor.

"What time is it?" Dean didn't look at Roman.

Roman got up and put on his boxers and sat next to him. "It's 5 in the morning."

He starts getting dressed and looking for his shirt. Where is his shirt damn it. He lifts up the blankets and them the sheets and it fell down to the floor and puts it on and then his socks and shoes.

"Where's my coat.?" He looks at Roman.

"It's hanging up downstairs remember?"

Dean heads to the door, only to have a hand touch his arm. He flinched again, but that was only to be expected. His was use to having his arm touch from his dad when he was leaving the room.

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