Chapter 4 ~ Buckle Up

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Hey so this Chapter is dedicated to DarkWaters for two reasons 1) she is an amazing inspirational writer go check out her stuff and 2) because she took some time out to read this story and give me an ecouraging comment <3 Thanks again doll

um anyways this is more a funny chapter with some good ol' Eden vs. Blake action


Chapter 4

“-And the house is only two story but its thankfully ten minutes from school. We each have separate rooms and bathrooms. I’ve taken the liberty to have the house furnished and placed my stuff in the master bedroom. Your…ah items have been placed in the guest room. I thought it only fair as I’ve paid for the house outright. Jerry thinks living together will make it easier for us when we have to start playing the married couple” She rambled on, tapping furiously on that damn phone.

Just stay quiet Charlie. Don’t yell at her, don’t even think of strangling her, she is a woman after all. I gritted my teeth and repeated this mantra. But the she-devil herself was pushing my buttons. I got out of her fancy car and made my way to our new ‘home’. The house was beautiful and something I had always imagined buying for my wife and children. And then I had met Eden and all plans for the future went down the toilet, a rich shiny toilet.

I scowled and stomped my way to the front door, satisfied when I ruined the perfect grass.

Ciao Charlie” Eden’s nanny greeted in a heavy Italian accent

“Hello um-” I paused not sure what to call her

“Just call me Nanny Ragazzo. Everybody else does” she led me into the house with a warm smile. I nodded in reply and surveyed the house, only to find myself liking it. Dammit! Can she do nothing wrong? It was large and spacious with leather couches for heavens sake. Try as I might (and I was trying fairly hard) I couldn’t find anything wrong. My scowl deepened

My gaze connected with Eden who gave me a curious look before turning away. “Nanny have you spoken to Jerry? And has my wardrobe been transferred into my room yet?” Eden asked sounding oddly like a child. It was disconcerting to say the least

“Yes Bambino. Jerry will be here soon and Paulie also sent over some red velvet cupcakes as a house warming gift” Nanny replied, most of it going straight over my head. I excused myself and wandered through the house to my room.

“Stupid Eden in her stupid perfect house with its stupid perfect furniture and stupid perfect paintings and-” I opened the door and felt like I had been physically slapped. “This has to be some sort of joke” I mumble taking a step inside my supposed room. “EDEN” I bellowed

“Yes?” she answered, standing in the doorway with wide innocent eyes

“You brought this huge house” I paused to refrain from swearing “And yet my room is a cupboard?!” I growled. I was absolutely livid

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration” She replied calmly, glancing around the room. I was absolutely speechless; she had reduced me to a spluttering idiot

“Exaggeration?!” I finally choked out “I can touch both walls at the same time” I exploded getting all up in her face, giving me a front row seat to the smirk twisting her lips. Just as I was about to throw my morals to the wind and strangle the naïve, obnoxious woman in front of me-Jerry interrupted

“Enough of this. Charlie, you’ll move into the master bedroom with Eden” he said in a calm voice

“But that’s my room” Eden whined stomping a foot “We’re not sharing Jerry!” she continued through gritted teeth

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