Chapter 1 ~ An Idea

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“Eden, darling it’s time to wake up” I groaned into my pillow and pulled the silk sheets over my head. “Eden!” I sat upright and threw a pillow at the offending intercom. What was so important that they felt the need to wake me up earlier than usual?

Descending the two flights of stairs I made my way into the kitchen. My parents watched me silently and waited for me to take a seat. I huffed loudly and took a seat, ringing the tiny bell. Paulie appeared carrying my breakfast and grinned at me. I smiled back, noticing as usual, the scars on his face and the rough way he looked even in the obligatory uniform.

“Eden my love, your father needs to have an important talk with you” my mum announced. I get my dramatic streak from her small and fair frame. “Unfortunately I absolutely must get onto that painting I dreamed of” she continued breathlessly, giving my dad a kiss. That was my mum for you. I loved how she was such a ‘free-spirit’ but I also despised how she flitted through life not facing the issues and living in a fairy-tale.

My dad took a seat beside me and snatched a cinnamon roll off my plate. “Eden, we need to talk about your future.” He murmured knowing this would only end in an argument.

My dad loved me but refused to baby me. He’s the sole reason I’m not a snob like some of the other girls at all the events he drags me to. “You need to start taking on some more responsibility. Learning more about the family business” he continued gravely. Everything was about the bloody business with him. He didn’t understand that I wanted to experience life and choose my career path instead of going into the safe and secured world of the business.

“Daddy I don’t want to fight about this in the morning alright?” I said standing up and kissing him on the cheek. He sighed and let me walk out of the room. I climbed the stairs and walked into my room. After going through my closet I decided on some plain denim shorts and a designer shirt. I caught a glimpse of my heels and edgier clothes and sighed. Wearing that would only draw more attention to me.

I pulled my dark hair into a messy fish plait and decided not to put makeup on. My tanned skin was perfectly clear for once. I pranced to the front door and jumped into my BMW.

“Good morning Nanny” I chirped happily.

“Eden” she replied her Italian accent still coming through, even after the 12 years she’s spent looking after me.

“Have you come up with any ideas to get my dad off my back?” I asked ignoring the look she gave me

“You could always do as he says” she offered

“That’s not an option Nanny and you know it” I sniffed in disdain

il mio bambino” she stated using the childhood nickname she had given me “In my country girls obey their fathers about everything, including marriage. So be grateful” she parked the car and I climbed out. Without a backward glance I made my way into the building and into my first class

I floated through my classes pondering the problem my dad had presented me with. However I wasn't so out of it that I didn't notice the popular group stealing glances at me and laughing behind their hands. Eliza laughed outright and smirked at me, she's hated me forever and I knew whatever was making her happy would be bad news for me. Frustrated, I texted Nanny to wait outside for our lunch trip while I quickly ducked into the library.

“Excuse me I need some material on the human body?” I snipped to the lady behind the desk, tapping on my phone. She huffed and scurried off to get me my order.

“Eden?” a low voice questioned behind me. I looked up into the blue eyes of one of the popular jocks of the school. The only one who had refrained from laughing today. I steeled myself for whatever cruel joke they had thought out for me this time.

“Yes?” I replied folding my arms

“I’m your partner for our Biology assignment” he muttered looking around. i couldn't hold in my laughter. They spent all day laughing about a pathetic prank like this?

“Nice try buddy but my partner is Charlie Blake. Charlie the girl” I smirked at him. The jocks really needed to do their homework before pranking someone. The guy in front of me shifted uncomfortably

"Yeah my name is Charlie Blake. The boy” he growled back getting frustrated. It was then that the librarian decided to come back. I chose just to ignore the stupid boy next to me

“Here’s some helpful books.” She handed me a few thick books and then looked at the jock still standing next to me “Charlie I have your books right here” she said handing him some books similar to mine. I froze and turned to glare at the smirking A-hole next to me. I looked between him and the librarian just to check they weren't trying to pull something over my head. With dread I realized that this was all too serious and I now had another problem to deal with.

And then, like an epiphany or a miracle sent from above, the most brilliant idea landed in my head and a smile similar to the Cheshire cats twisted my lips. “Charlie, Charlie, Charlie” I said taking a step closer with each word. “You’re going to marry me” his mouth worked furiously and only strangled sounds came out. He shook his head and tried to step away from me.

My iron grip was on his wrist and in seconds I had dragged him out to the car park where Nanny was waiting. This was the perfect solution, two birds with one stone

Is it getting better? I think this is going to be hilarious. I love Eden's character. Vote and/or Comment

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