Chapter 12 ~ Family Ties

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Yay an upload! I was going to have the whole banquet here in the one chapter but some things popped up and so yeah all the drama of the banquet will be in the next chapter

**Warning** Extremely unedited haha feel free to point out mistakes in comments below

I felt as if I had swallowed a tornado strong enough to pull Dorothy’s whole town into Oz and it was wreaking havoc on my poor stomach. I nervously bounced my knee as I sat for make-up, running a to-do list through my head.

“Hon I’m talented no doubt about it! But there’s only so much I can do when you insist on scrunching your face like you’re sucking on a bucket of lemons” Angela scolded, frustration clear in her voice as she forcibly tried to smooth out my frown lines.

“I can’t help it!” I whined defensively. “I feel so unorganized. Charlie and I should have been preparing for his coming out a week in advance at least.”

“Coming out? Hon I hate to burst your bubble but he ain’t no debutante” Angela teased her southern twang lacing her words

“You know what I mean Angie! It’s his first introduction to that society and it’s going to happen at a charity banquet of all places!” I huffed angrily. Charity banquets were a good event in theory but with so much money flowing from such shallow people conversation usually turned to the biggest scandals and the most notorious rumours had a habit of starting at these banquets. Definitely one of the worst ways to introduce Charlie to my parents’… friends. However it would have been absolutely unforgivable if I had kept him hidden or tried to informally introduce him to a select few; there was a strict etiquette in the high life if you wanted to stay on the good side of the gossip

“You’re overthinking it.” Angie told me gently “Charlie’s a good boy and if you really don’t care about anyone there tonight their opinions should mean nothing to you”

She was right but I couldn’t completely rid myself of the nerves. Chalk it up to old habits and supressed memories of all the horribly embarrassing things I had done at many events similar to tonight. “How was the south?” I tactfully changed topics

“How’d you know I was there?” Angie gasped and the feathery swipe of the brush on my eyelid came to a stop.

“Because you always sound country for the next two weeks” I laugh as her cheeks colour slightly.

“No I don’t!” Angie tried in vain to defend herself “It was good to see everyone again though. I thought I should stop by for a few days because for next few months I’m booked up for fashion shows in Paris, New York and Dubai and another Kardashian is getting married in the Caribbean so I’ve also got a few clients for that. All on top of my favourite client” She finished her spiel with a large wink sent my way.

“It’s a hard life you got there, what with all the world travelling and the glamorous parties because you’re the best of the best” I teased her well-deserved success

“You’re lucky you pay me so well or else I would be sending you to your banquet looking like a panda” she teased right back

“Don’t pretend! I now you love me” I grinned, my face forming many lines much to Angie’s dismay.

“Literally impossible for anyone to feel that way about you” Charlie stated entering my old room (we had come to my parents’ house because my mother was adamant about us arriving as a unified group). I raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Kidding?” he laughed it off awkwardly and I rolled my eyes dramatically

“What do you want?” I asked curiously, closing my eyes for Angie who was softly humming to herself.

“Aw nothing, I was just wandering around your house but then Nanny told me your parents are looking for me so I decided to come find you” he explained distractedly as he paced around my room touching and examining everything.

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