Chapter 2 ~ Deals With The Devil

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Ok so Chapter 3 and hopefully you guys are able to decide now if you like it or not. :)

She sat there, staring at me like a spider would stare at a fly, trapped and destined for dinner. Her lips were twisted into a self-satisfied smirk and I couldn’t resist the urge to cringe. Her dark brown hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail. She didn’t look crazy at all so why would she ask me to-NO don’t even finish that thought Charlie! Stick to basic, easy to understand thoughts, like all the rumors around this girl.

It seemed to me, that all the rumors about her were fairly accurate. I hadn’t believed it because everyone knew Eliza hated Eden but there was no denying the prim and proper outfit she wore (fit for an office secretary) or the way she looked down on everyone. She was a snob. My eyes met her cold stare and I realized she was also evaluating me.

“Y’all ready to order?” the waitress thankfully interrupted Eden consuming me with her eyes.

“Two lunch specials please” Eden beamed, ordering for her and the old lady. I felt my eyes narrow, she was an incredible actress, I’d give her that much. Sitting there as if she hadn’t kidnapped me in broad daylight!

“And you darl?” the waitress now turned to me and I saw my chance to escape. SAVE ME! I tried to project my thought on to the bored waitress. HELD AGAINST MY WILL! ME NOT HAPPY! SAVE ME DAMMIT! She stared at me funny and I felt relief flood my system. She had received my thoughts

“Are you special or just plain stupid?” the waitress growled tapping her foot impatiently.

“A burger and um…water?” I struggled to form coherent thoughts too shocked at the total ignorance of this waitress. She left without a backward glance and for the sake of my remaining sanity I kept my gaze locked on the old lady. Unlike the vindictive ice queen, she seemed compassionate and was my one chance of survival.

“So here’s the deal-Charlie was it?” she paused and I nodded once. “Well Charlie, I have issues that can only be fixed if you marry me. Plain and simple” She finished looking extremely bored. I literally felt my mouth hitting the table. She rolled her eyes at me and explained further “Long story short, my parents think they’re being helpful when really they’re mapping out my future and to maintain the shred of control I have left I will marry you.” I cringed at the M word she kept tossing around freely. I couldn’t even sympathize because she was being unemotional and business-like.

I shook my head “Impossible” was the only word I could force out

She sighed dramatically and leant forward “Look we’re both 18 making it totally legal.” She smiled happily as if she had just solved my problem

I took a deep breath, trying to organize the torrent of thoughts in my head. “I…um…sympathize I guess…to your ah…situation however…I…I mean we…um can’t get…married!” my voice cracked embarrassingly on the last word

“Bambino the boy is right” The old woman cut in, sending me a smile

“No the boy is scared” Eden snapped. She turned to me and I felt myself shrinking under her glare “Before you know it we’ll be happily divorced and you can be on your merry way. Money in tow”

My ears had traitorously perked at one word “Money?” Eden smirked knowing she had me cornered. I had unwittingly given her the advantage

“Yes. It is a business deal after all and I feel it’s only fair to pay you” she paused and watched happily as I shifted uncomfortably. Her smirk grew impossibly bigger “How does a million a month sound?” she tapped her fingers on the table eyeing my reaction. I swallowed, momentarily stunned by the sheer amount this woman was willing to throw away to get what she wanted.

I wiped my hands on my jeans nervously. The proud part of me wanted to deny her and walk away with my dignity intact but heaven knew my family needed the money. And realistically how long would she need me? No more than two moths…right?

Her eye sparkled with glee and my heart sank with impending doom. “I guess I will ah…agree to this” I mumbled deliberately avoiding the M word. She practically hummed in pleasure and pushed up from the table

“It was never in question” she crooned walking out without so much as a backward glance. The old woman shot me a sympathetic look before hurrying out after her. If the devil was a woman, her name would be Eden Marelli.

I shot up, deciding then and there that I wouldn’t let her get to me. I’d do my time and get out so my family could have the money they needed. “Wait” I called out running after her “How are we going to do this?” I asked breathlessly. She looked at me amused like I was a moron.

“Tomorrow we’ll meet with my lawyer and hash out the details. We’ll go from there” and with that she slid into a fancy BMW and left me stranded and feeling sick to my stomach. Could I honestly survive a month? Cause at this rate, the girl would do my head in for sure.

So whatcha think? Has it got potential or has it got potential ;) hehehe Anyways I love Charlie's character though there's a little more to him we get to see when he finally calms down.

Vote and/or Comment please

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