"I still don't understand why that's so shocking." Mandarin sighed.

"Aww that's sweet. You two must be really close right?" Arwen asked.

Otto crawled up on his arm.

"Yep!" He chirped, making Mandarin sigh.

"M-mom what if they were doing other things?" Amanda whispered.

Arwen blinked.

"Oh honey I doubt that. Anyway I haven't been to a party in...decades! So I wouldn't mind going if that's alright?" Arwen asked.

Jinmay nodded.

"Sure! It's going to be fun." She said.

"There's gonna be games, and food, and rides, and karaoke contests, and all sorts of stuff." Chiro said.

Arwen stretched.

"That does sound fun! I'll try to catch up when I get my unpacking done." She said.

Mandarin sighed.

Tommorow night was going to be hell. However, if Otto was going to be there it probably won't be so bad.
As the next day rolled around and everyone was getting ready, Willow was walking down the hall.

Then she was grabbed from behind and dragged into a room.

"What the hell?!"

She then saw her sister and Jinmay holding up various forms of makeup and she saw a black dress sitting on a chair.

"I think it's about time you looked nice for a party...and a boy." Amanda giggled.

"What are you-?! Hey! Get that out of my eye! Let me do it!" Willow yelled.

After fifteen minutes of makeovers and yelling, Willow was lead out by Jinmay. She was all gussied up, wearing a black dress with a purple belt and wearing some makeup.

"Remind me...to kill you later." She growled at the two.

Amanda shrugged.

"Well come on! It's time to go!" She said, pushing Willow.

"Don't push me!" She said before bumping into Antauri.

Antauri floated back a bit.

"I'm so sorry!" Willow said quickly.

Antauri collected himself before smiling.

"No you're fine, I was on my way to the exit." He said before fully looking over Willow's outfit.

He was taken by her beauty and found it hard to speak .

"Well...I'll see you three down there." He said before going off.

Willow's face was a bright red. This night was going to be a interesting one.
As everyone left the robot and made their way to the celebration, Mandarin was hesitant to leave.

"What's up?" Otto asked.

"The music's loud." Mandarin grumbled.

Otto blinked but snickered and grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out.

"Come on! It'll be fine!" He wheezed, trying to pull as hard as he could.

But Mandarin didn't seem to budge. He blinked and looked outside. The citizens were greeting the Hyperforce and looked so happy.

"Are they explaining to them about me right now?" He asked.

Otto stopped pulling and looked outside.

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