Chapter 26: Perfume

Start from the beginning

I roll my eyes "We need to get a faster elevator. That shit is so slow."

He arches his eyebrow at me looking amused. "I'll get right on that Sir."

"Just go home."

"I was on my way out. Good luck." He says as he gestures to my office.

I see her sitting there like she used to when she would be waiting for me after I had one of my long office days.

I walk in and she turns her head to look at me. She gives me a warm smile and sets her drink down. "It's nice, I like the new furniture."

I nod "Thank you."

"So, What's going on ?" She asks

I unbutton my suit jacket and sit down across from her. "I want to see her."


"Lucy, I would like to meet my daughter."

She looks at me shocked and takes a deep breath. "No."

"Excuse me ?"

"I said no."

"And what's your reason ?" I say trying to stay calm.

"Sh-she's two. She's just understanding what a mother and father figures are. I-I can't have her being confused."

"Confused ? You're her mother I'm her father. What's there to be confused about ?"

"She's needs stability, people who are going to be around her. Be there for her."

"I didn't walk out, you did. Talk about stability." I hiss

Her lips go into a thin line and I know she's trying not to blow up at me. "She's not ready."

"She isn't or you aren't ?"


"She's my daughter, you walked out on me. You left without a damn word or warning. You didn't talk to me about this, you didn't even try. You made the decision on your own when it should've been made together. This is OUR daughter, you didn't make her on your own. We did. Together. I have every right to meet her, I'm not asking for any custody rights. I'm just asking for a meet up."

She looks down at her hands and sigh "A meet up?"

"Yes, a casual meet up."

"Fine." She says standing up grabbing her purse.

"Where are you going ?"

"We are going to see our daughter." She says as she walks toward the door. "Well come on then."

I nod and get up doing up my suit coat again.



I huff as I look at the time on the wall, he's two hours late. I called in the office and no one picked up. I've called on his cellphone and it went straight to voicemail.

I was starting to get a little worried and anxious. I was ready more than an hour ago.

I sigh and decided to read while I wait for him. I sit on the living room couch as open up a book and read.


I felt myself being lifted and I flinch at the feeling.

"Sh angel it's just me." I hear him whisper as I feel us moving from the warmth of the couch.

"Harry?" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle closer to his warmth.

"Yes darling."

"What time is it?" I mumble

"Around 2 am." He whisper

I feel myself being placed down and sink into the cloud he calls a bed. I feel the blanket being pulled over me and a kiss being planted on my forehead. "Goodnight angel."

I grab his arm quickly "Are you coming to bed ?"

He nods "soon, just going to get changed."

I watch him take off his suit jacket throwing it on the arm chair. That was the last thing I saw before the darkness.

I wake up to the sound of an alarm go off and I groan.

"Sorry." I hear him mumble, "I forgot to turn the alarm off." The loud beeping stops and I feel him come back to me. He wraps himself with me holding me close.

I hiss and he chuckles.

"You're freezing." I say

"Then make me warm." He muffles into the pillow.

I smile and lay with him in bed for awhile. I couldn't go back asleep, but judging by his steady breath he seems like he fell back asleep.

I slowly make my way out of bed and he rolls onto his other side curling up in bed. I smile at the sight of him and I was about to walk over to the bathroom when I see his suit on the arm chair,

Then it hits me, we didn't go out to dinner last night nor did he call to tell me he canceled or couldn't make it. I must have fallen asleep on the couch, I was too tired to scold him last night.

I pick up his suit about to throw it in the laundry basket when I smell it. It usually smelt like him, he had his personal scent mixed with spear mint and cologne. But this was different, his things highly smelt of perfume and I wasn't with him all night while he was in that suit, so who the hell was ?

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