Chapter 29: The H word

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"Loving you, was the best and worst thing I've ever done in my life."

[M.] (A year later.)

I take a deep breath as I stand outside of the coffee shop I had cautiously been going to the past year. I wouldn't normally go at this hour because I know I might have a high chance of seeing him but I really crave one of their breakfast sandwiches and I'll be damned if I'm deprived of that again.

A lot has changed, I quit the escorting business and I started to go back to school. I had enough saved up, plus Harry wired money into my bank account. I was set for life basically but I wanted to make something out of myself.

At first everything was hard. I felt like living without him was impossible. Then I actually started to live without him and it felt more impossible. Nothing without him made sense even breathing felt impossible. But things just got easier and it just didn't seem so impossible anymore.

Now I can finally say I am fine without the famous Harry Styles. But, that didn't mean I was ready to run into him anytime soon. I notice I still avoid anything that reminds me of him, like white wine or scotch. I avoid a whole street, I threw out everything he got me. I avoid anything strawberry scented because that was his favourite. I avoid watching the vow or any Nicolas sparks movie. It's safer this way, I felt safer.

I finally open the door and the chimes go off. I scan the coffee shop and sigh in relief when I don't see him. I walk over to the front and order myself a egg and avocado bagel.

"Haven't seen you in awhile!" Niall says

"I know, make this the best bagel you've ever made Niall I'm counting my come back to be memorable." I tease

I smile as I look around at the Coffee shop I used to love, there are so many memories here. So many late night coffees and early breakfast's with a man I would never forget.

"Mia ?"

I froze and prayed it wasn't who I think it is, I turn my head. "Emma." I breathe out.

She offers me a smile and nods, "How are you?" She asks

I look around and I still don't see him I sigh in relief. "Good. And yourself ?"

She nods as she grabs her tray with two coffees. "Good."

"Mommy! My chocolate milk?" I hear s voice call. I look and see who I assume is Lucy. She looks so much like him, she even has his bright green eyes.

"Lucy! I told you not to run off lik-"

I froze when I look behind her to see the one person I've been avoiding for so long. He sees me because he's frozen too, we are absolutely still waiting for either one of us to do something.

Harry steps forward "Mia." He says

That's where I lost it. "Your bagel m-"

"Thanks Niall." I snatch the baggy from him quickly and rush out the cafe quickly to the opposite entrance and exit Harry used.

I step out into the New York crisp air and sigh again. I felt like a prey that just avoided it's predator.

I take a deep breath and I can't believe I just saw the one person I couldn't stand. I thought I was over him but seeing him again just brought back everything I was pushing away. I frown telling myself not to look back and I don't. I quickly cross the street to catch the subway back to my apartment.


I hear my phone ringing while watching tv and I dig into my purse to find it.

"Hello. Is this Mia Porter ?" The voice says

"Yes that's me." I say

"Ah, I'm  Darren Cameau, I'm from the Law firm Parson Spec. We have reviewed your resume and we don't usually hire students while studying but we are making an exception due to your grades and standing at school. We will be seeing you Monday, also Ms. Porter, I would advise to clear your voicemail. This is the third call I had to make due to the fact your voice mail was full." He says

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I won't let you down." I say smiling wide to the phone.

"I expect you won't, have a good day."

I hang up and squeal! I open up my voicemails.

"You have 10 new voicemails." The operator says.

"Number 1... congratulations you've one a cruise-"


"Number 2... Hi we are from the a-"


"Number 3.... Angel. Mia. Please pick up." I froze. "It's uh.. it's me Harry, I know you're pissed at me about the whole Adeline thing and you have every right to be. I don't really know what to say, I haven't done this in a long time. I just, all I know is whenever you aren't with me it's like the air gets thinner and it's harder for me to breathe." I hear him sigh and chuckle slightly. "This scares me, what I'm feeling.I keep thinking 'maybe she's better off without me.' but, I'm selfish and I want to be with you. Because even though you deserve better,  I hope you'll settle for me. Mia." I hear him take a deep breath. "I love you."

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