She blushed harder.

Mandarin was severely confused.

"I refuse to understand why this is a huge deal." He said flatly.

Otto shrugged a bit. The door to the nursery then opened and Trent peered into the room.

"...Hi." He greeted.

Amanda walked over to them.

"Trent! Were they doing anything..." then she leaned to him.

"" She asked.

Trent blinked.

"No they were talking then they fell asleep." He stated, causing the others to sigh in relief.

Mandarin was now even more confused. They do realize he's pregnant right? Not to mention that he's so huge and can't even do any of that anyway? That and sex alone completely disgusts him?

"I was so worried he ruined Otto's innocence!" Gibson wheezed.

Mandarin blinked.

"Guys please!" Otto blushed.

"Talking about what exactly?" Antauri asked.

"I don't remember, I just woke up." Trent whined, leaving the room.

Amanda sighed and followed suit, really not wanting this to get anymore awkward.

Everyone soon left as well, forgetting this even happened.

Mandarin and Otto sat there for a minute.

"People who are not asexual are strange."

"No they aren't. I mean does that make me strange?" Otto asked, smirking.

"No because you wouldn't pull stuff like this!" Mandarin pointed out.

Otto laughed and hopped down from the bed.

"Let's get some breakfast! I'm starving!" He said, running out of the room.

Mandarin sighed and followed, feeling something weird in his chest.

Almost like affection?

Gibson looked back into the medbay, checking on Willow. He noticed that her brain was very active, not in REM sleep like it was before.

Willow stirred and began to wake up.

Gibson's eyes widened and he poked his head outside.

"Everyone she's waking up!" He yelled, causing nearly everyone to rush into the room, minus Mandarin who still had a piece of toast in his mouth.

Willow sat up and groaned. Everyone rushed over to her and hugged her.

"Guys! Can't! Breathe!" She wheezed, and everyone let go of her, while Mandarin entered the room hitting his head on the ceiling.

"How are you feeling?" Antauri asked.

Willow scratched her chin.

"Uh a lot better I guess. What happened?" She asked.

Everyone was silent.

"He got away Willow. I'm sorry." Chiro said.

Willow sighed, frowning.

"I bet, sorry I let him get away." She said.

"You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault. Besides we're just glad you're ok." Chiro said.

Willow smiled but stopped.

"Thanks but did he do anything else?" She asked.

They heard Mandarin growl angrily.

An Excuse MaybeWhere stories live. Discover now