"Need help?" he asked as he put the bags on the table.

Oikawa turned around and felt relieved when he saw Iwaizumi. He nodded and moved out of the way.

"Want some coffee?" Iwaizumi suggested.

"If you don't mind.. I know it's your day off..." Oikawa felt a bit guilty.

"It's just coffee. With milk or no?" Iwaizumi asked.

"With milk. So, do you like it here? You're not thinking of quiting, right?" Oikawa asked as he sat down, he wasn't used to being in the kitchen, which kinda sounds pathetic.

"Yeah, it's nice here. And work is easier than I thought, and I have no intention of leaving any time soon, who'll take care of those children otherwise?" Iwaizumi chuckled and pointed at Makki amd Mattsun who were watching  Spongebob on TV.

"Ah, yeah. They're the best assistants I've ever had. Uhmm... I have a question..." Oikawa suddenly got self-consious.

"Yeah? What is it?" Iwaizumi placed the cups on the table and sat down next to Oikawa.

"Miko is away for the photoshoot and will only be back late... So, maybe you wanted to go out somewhere with me? You know, get to know eachother better.. Ugh, I'm so awkward.." Oikawa hid his face in his hands. He wasn't usually like this.

"Sure! We can go and visit my friend's animal shelter, if ya' want" Iwaizumi suggested.

"Okay!" Oikawa suddenly looked up, his eyes were sparkling.

"Go get ready then, I'll finish putting the groceries away" Iwaizumi stood up and started taking things out of the bags, while Oikawa ran upstairs.

He wanted to look good, but not too classy or posh. So he took out something that he only wore twice. His black kinda-skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a white sweater.

He walked downstairs after fixing his hair and found Iwaizumi waiting for him. Damn, he looked good.

They left Makki and Mattsun alone in the mansion and headed out, it was a nice day.

"You used to volunteer, right?" Oikawa asked.

"Yeah, it was really nice, I watched how the shelter grew, even helped with the construction, so that place is like a second home to me" Iwaizumi explained.

"Sounds nice! What was your childhood like though? " Oikawa watched as Iwaizumi's face expression changed.

"It wasn't the best. I grew up in a poor family, so I worked from young age, I used to help my neighbours, then found a job at the store.. Even when I moved out I sent my parents money, which was a mistake. I got kicked out for not paying the rent.." Iwaizumi sighed deeply. "How about your childhood?"

"Oh... I feel bad now.. My dad was a rich businessman, my mother was an actress. So, my childhood was pretty much perfect. I got everything that I wanted, but I was lonely" Oikawa said, he used to hear a phrase that "work and pain is what makes a person great", yet he never understood it.

But now... Now he was looking at Iwaizumi who had to suffer from young age and couldn't help, but feel a tiny bit of envy for how great of human he turned out to be.

"We're here" Iwaizumi announced and pointed at a house which had "YahaPets" written on it.

"Nice... Let's go inside!" Oikawa said cheerfully.

They walked in and were greeted by Yahaba who had a fresh scratch on his face.

"Hey Iwaizumi! Nice to see ya' again!" he hugged the taller male.

"Hi Yahaba, I see you're doing just fine" Iwaizumi smiled at his friend.

"And who's this? Your boyfriend?" Yahaba asked as he pointed at Oikawa.

"Eh?! I-I'm not, I-I could n-never---" Oikawa felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

"That's my boss, Yahaba" Iwaizumi said, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Oops, sorry. Anyway, come here both of you, we have new pups" Yahaba said and started dragging both of them to another room.

Oikawa was amazed by how amazing everything was there. Everything was clean, dogs and cats had their own places, beds, there was plenty of food in their bowls.

While Iwaizumi went off to see the animals that he had raised, Oikawa approached Yahaba.

"Do... Do you take donations?" Oikawa asked. Yahaba turned to him and nodded.

"We do, but not a lot of people support us, they think that we take the money for ourselves, when in reality we work hard for these poor animals. My boyfriend even works an additional job in order to keep everything in place" Yahaba explained.

"I'd like to support this shelter. May I donate?" Oikawa watched as Yahaba smiled and nodded again.

"It would be great. There's a computer right there" Yahaba led Oikawa to the computer and let him do his work. At first Oikawa wasn't sure how much he should donate, but once he remembered how hard Iwaizumi worked to help, he decided on the donation.

Now, how surprised do you think Yahaba was when he saw that Oikawa-fucking-Tooru donated 584,727 yen (5,000 dollars) to the shelter?

And so, after a few hundred "thank you"s and a nice cup of tea, Iwaizumi and Oikawa left the shelter.

"Man, I didn't expect that! You're great!" Iwaizumi said with a smile on his face, making Oikawa flustered.

"It's nothing... Yahaba works hard, he deserves it" Oikawa smiled aswell, he really felt like he accomplished something.

The rest of the day seemed to go by nicely, Oikawa spent most of his time talking with Iwaizumi. He learned a lot about him.

It was around 7 PM when Makki proposed an idea.

"How about we all get drunk?" he suggested.

"I don't mind" Mattsun said.

"Me too" Iwaizumi answered. Now all that's left was Oikawa.

"S-Sure.. I guess" he said.

And so, the four males all gathered in Iwaizumi's room (for some reason). They decided to watch some movies, eat some junk food, maybe play a few cards games all while drinking those cocktails that Iwaizumi bought (he had to buy extra).

It was a fun evening.

Especially fun for Makki and Mattsun who left passed out Oikawa in bed next to Iwaizumi.






I might have written a bit too much but I really enjoy writing this. From here on, you'll see more Iwaizumi and Oikawa action. Honestly this is one of those unplanned fanfics, each chapters idea is born minutes before I start writing it so yeah.

Anyway, happy new year! I hope all will be well.


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