Halloween Special~ Dark

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(A/N: I originally wrote something entirely different on Word, but it seemed stupid so x3 So just so you know, they’re inside or outside/around the same haunted house run by the countries from the Light version ~for those who don’t know)

~With Massachusetts

Massachusetts wandered the halls alone, feeling worn out. She’d gotten separated from the group. Maybe she should turn back and try to find them, but then wouldn’t her situation get worse? Sometimes she really wished she owned a gun like Texas. Who knows what could happen in the dark, dusty place?

Suddenly, she flinched. Someone had covered her eyes and was leaning over. She smiled. Were they really trying to scare her? Admittedly, their close proximity to her was a bit unnerving, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle! She whipped around and drop-kicked her assailant, crossing her arms. “Ha-ha! You failed!” she said smugly. She squinted, trying to see the person’s face in the dark.

“Bloody hell!? Why did you kick me!?”

Massachusetts frowned. Of all the people…? “Get up, England. That was just sad.” She muttered, ready to walk away.  She paused, looking back into the dark. “Where’s the exit?”

“None of your bloody business! Apologize!” England snapped, rubbing his back. Massachusetts snorted. “Go away, old man. Just tell me!”

England frowned; of course Massachusetts couldn’t see it in the dark. He turned to the window and stared outside. A light smile crossed his face. “The moon…well, that’s at least something good about tonight…” he murmured, now able to see Massachusetts in the light.

She was frowning. “It’s a full moon, too. On a nice, creepy night like this, you couldn’t manage to scare me? I thought you were a pirate?” she said, not taking his feelings into account. England scowled. “I’m not a pirate, not anymore! And I can TOO scare you! Don’t kid yourself, I-“

“Texas said you like me.” Massachusetts said, grinning evilly. “Well, I don’t like you!”

England blushed angrily. “I do NOT like you! He’s lying!”

“Like I said, it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t fall for you.”

England glared at the moon, not willing to look Massachusetts in the eye anymore. “Shut up…” he murmured, letting the moon fill his sights. Massachusetts just shrugged. Suddenly she froze. She could have sworn she saw his eyes flash red. Then again, that wasn’t possible was it? There was no scarlet in green…ever.

She saw England give her a short glance. “I don’t NEED you to like me.” He muttered, still not looking her directly in the eye.

Massachusetts was about to answer when England pinned her arms behind her back. His eyes were now bright red and glaring dangerously. “I don’t care about your feelings towards me…and if I do LIKLE you, just know, you’re already mine…”

Massachusetts was forced to stare into his bright red eyes and for the first time in years feeling afraid. “E-England?” she whispered softly. England smiled arrogantly. “Yes?” he answered, leaning in. Massachusetts gulped.

“Let me go.”

His grip tightened. “That was rude. Try again.”

“Please let me go?” Massachusetts reluctantly tried again. His grip tightened again. “Are you asking or telling me to let you go?”

“Asking…” Massachusetts choked, feeling herself begin to shake. England smiled venomously. “Then I don’t want to…so I won’t.” Massachusetts squeezed her eyes shut as he leaned in further. She knew he was smiling. She heard him laugh. “Don’t be scared…just like the old days, remember?”

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