"DONT YOU DARE!" Alpha Zayn lashed out impatiently. His Mate in apple bottom jeans, had to hold his shoulders back to prevent him from doing anything to extreme. She herself was sick with worry from what her face said.

"Oh I will....don't you worry about it but right now, I highly suggest you guys learn to control your sweet fragile Mates and their mouths because I wouldn't want your precious Mates to be found broken the next day, wouldn't you," I threaten lightly, making them even more angry than before. I was softly igniting their patients crumbling it to ashes like fireworks during New Years, erupting every now and then.

Alpha Xavier's eyes flashed as if he was about to shift, while his killer Mate held him back.

"Watch yourself you worthless little son-of-a-bitch, because the next time you threaten us or our sister, we'll rip you to shreds and feed you to the watch dogs," the mighty enraged Alpha Ryan said powerfully while I burst out laughing.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but I think the dogs might get indigestion, because they wouldn't prefer my meat as much as your Mates and darling si-"

Xavier was the first to grab my neck before I could finish while Zayn raced to rip my Mate away from me cradling her against his body and muttering soft words as all the Luna's huddled around them, stepping away from us.

Their petite bodies huddled together creating a curtain from me viewing my Mate. I give up from catching a sight of my Mate as her brother squeezed the living shit out of my neck. I caught a faint glimpse of her pale white face that was slowly blurring along the edges with her brother's face as my eyes grew heavy. I could see her long dark chocolate brown hair smudge, creating a halo.

How are they even siblings? Dylan asked, clearly more disgusted than before. I hand over my control as my body cries out for oxygen.

Dylan wrapped my hand around his neck while Xavier tries to do the same. I push him back a step, as I try to shove him against the wall just as hard as he was trying too.

The other Alphas tried to rip is us both apart, some begging Xavier as they pull and while others literally ripping me away but we had to much power being ranked the first and second best Alphas around so the chances were close to impossible.

"Stop IT!" His Mate in the navy blue dress yelled, "XAVIER, remember no matter what, he's Nora's Mate and you hurting him is just hurting Nora indirectly!"

He immediately let's go after hearing her, surprising me along. By the end of her sentence, I learned the name of Mate; Nora. Even though I don't know her last name, it didn't seemed to make a difference because she was getting my last name anyway; Romano. Nora Romano.

Mrs.Nora Romano..., My wolf purred, Sounds fun...

Oh shut up Dylan! She mine, I growl at him too, her wolfs all yours though. Fuck her wolf as dry as you want.

"Look at her neck Xavier! For God's sake just look at her!" She yells again, pointing her large red tipped nails towards my unconscious Mate, Nora.

She had crumpled onto the floor with her head on Zayn's shoulder sleeping beautifully until when Zayn brushed some of her straight hair from around her neck area. That's when I saw it around her neck, making my eyes wide with fear. And the slice down her forearm.

She had a large red-ish but now turning purple bruise circling around her elegant neck line like a choker. Anger fills me like a balloon and then I pop.

"WHY IS HERE A BRUISE AROUND HER NECK?" My wolf and me demand, using our Alpha tone against them.

"Can you all please, step out for a while?" Ryan says, in a calmer tone than I ever heard to the other Alphas. They step out off the living room and we hear them chatter by the front hall.

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