Chapter Two

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On the side is a picture of Mae. Chapter One had a picture of Jasper, if you haven't already seen that.


Far From Home

Chapter Two

            “I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”

            Jasper, though begrudgingly, had agreed to go on Cassie’s little adventure. He didn’t like the fact that the five of them would be leaving the apartment at the same time, which they hadn’t done in almost a year.

            Cassie couldn’t keep the grin off of her face as everyone was getting their things together. It was early, which meant a grumpy August and Adeline. Neither were morning people. It was probably genetic. But Mae and Cassie were flouncing around the flat to get things together.

            “Come on August, we have to go soon. The ferry is leaving in forty-five minutes, and we don’t want to be late.” Cassie urged him to go faster by prodding him in the back with a walking stick she had found. He glared at her, a rare thing for him. Even in the morning, August never glared at Cassie. Adeline, maybe, but never Cassie.

            “I’ve got this Cas.” Adeline stepped in, taking the walking stick away from Cassie. Instead of hitting him with it like Cassie expected, she whispered something in his ear. August’s ears perked up and he was suddenly wide awake.

            “Right then. Ferry leaving in forty-five minutes.” He said to Cassie, a smirk on his face. Cassie nodded warily, curious what Adeline had told him. She winked to Cassie before heading into their room to finish packing up her own things.

            Cassie decided to ignore it for now, turning her attention to Jasper. He was sitting on the couch, rubbing his temples. She knew his mind was going crazy with all the possibilities of something going wrong.

            “It’s going to be fine.” She told him, smiling. Jasper tried to smile back, but couldn’t keep the worry from showing in his face. Cassie knew he only wanted to keep all of them safe, but he really did worry too much. Even though Jasper had agreed to go, he had certain conditions that they had to follow if they were going to travel all the way to London.

            First, they would only take the train. They could have apperated, but he hated apperating. It made him feel sick. Cassie was a little reluctant on this condition, knowing it would be a completely unnecessary eight hours to London with both a ferry ride and a train ride, but decided it was for the best. She was glad they would all be coming with her.

            Secondly, they had to bring everything they would need because he did not want to go back to Dublin. He intended to stay in London or somewhere outside of London, rather than taking a train and a ferry all the way back to August and Adeline’s tiny flat.

            Lastly, Jasper requested that they still keep up with their training as best they could. Jasper liked his schedules, and he intended to keep the schedule intact in London.

            “I made breakfast!” Mae called from the kitchen. Jasper and Cassie were the first to the table, Mae kissing Jasper on the cheek and ruffling his dark brown hair. He hadn’t gotten dressed yet, so it had no effect on his bed head.

            “Muffins.” Adeline grinned hungrily, taking the seat next to Cassie. She had changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a thick, grey sweater. Her brown hair was braided down her back and she had put on a black knit hat to keep her warm on the ferry. Her black painted toes were left unbundled, for now.

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