Chapter Six

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On the side is an external link with Remus and Shelby's house. It helps me to visualize it, so I thought I should share. It is in the external link if you want to take a "virtual tour." The house isn't perfect, as it's hard to make online, but you get the basic overview.


Far From Home

Chapter Six


            Dear Alex,

            I’m writing this to you now, on your first birthday, hoping that one day I can give it to you when you turn seventeen. I feel like the worst mum in the world for missing your first birthday, but I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m doing this for the right reasons, and I hope you and your father can understand that.

            I wish I could see you now. I bet you’ve started to crawl, and your cute little blue eyes are probably the most adorable things. Who knows where you got those eyes, with both your father and I stuck with plain old brown. But by the time you’re reading this, I hope you already know that.

            I don’t know what your father is going to tell you once you’re older. I don’t know when or if I’ll be back, and I don’t know what he’s going to tell you about me. But in case I never make it back to you, my baby boy, I want you to know the truth about me. Whatever your father, and possibly I, have told you in the past was to keep you safe. I could be repeating things you already know, but I just need to be sure. If something happens to me, I don’t want you to die never having known your mother.

            I guess I should start with the thing that tore me away from you in the first place. I’m an Angel, Alex. It’s hard to explain in a letter, but I hope I’m there to tell you more when you read this. I guess all I can say is to ask your father. Or anyone who knew me. They can explain it better than I can in a letter.

            Other than that, there’s nothing special about me. I love to eat food, and I probably would sleep all day long if I could. I’m not like your father; I don’t enjoy going to school. I mean I love magic, but I never could sit still for too long. Though I do really love to talk. I hope I get to talk to you one day, really talk. Your father and I used to sit and talk all the time. Or I would sit and talk while he listened and nodded when it was appropriate. I miss that.

            Anyway, I hope when I give this to you on your seventeenth birthday you already know all of this. I hope I get to see you grow up and graduate from Hogwarts and get married. I hope you find someone to love you like I love your father. I know he might hate me for leaving you two, but that doesn’t change how I feel about him. You deserve to have someone like that.

            Remember that you’re worth it. You’re good enough to do great things, and don’t ever forget that. You can do whatever you set your mind to, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

            I love you, and I hope I get the chance to tell you that every day.


            They were sitting in the living room now, the coo-coo clock on the wall ticking away as the four sat in silence. They all jumped when the little bird popped out, telling them it was five o’clock.

            “May I use your restroom?” Cassie asked, trying to make her voice sound normal. It felt odd asking Shelby and Remus if she could use their restroom.

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