Chapter Five

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Far From Home

Chapter Five


Dear Diary,

I don't know how this works. I've never really been the type to have a diary or anything like that, but I'm desperate. It's only been three weeks and I already miss him, both of them, so much.

I guess I'm just lonely. For the first time in my life I'm alone with nobody to talk to, and I do love to talk. I guess I've just finally come to the point where I'm talking to my diary. Normally the thought would mortify me. Cassie Potter? Having a diary? But I'm past caring. I just need to talk, even if it's not with him. I miss him. Alex too. I hope they understand that I left to protect them. I couldn’t live with myself if Alex was hurt because of me. This is the best way. But I’ll see them again. I don’t know when, but I know I will. I have to see them again.

- Cassie

She couldn’t believe it was finally happening. In less than an hour, she’d be on his doorstep. She would finally be able to see her baby boy after more than four years.

He must be so big.

“We have arrived in Barking. The next stop will be Southend Central.”

The voice of the attendant rang out to all the passengers on the train. Cassie couldn’t help the smile that came to her face. Barking was only twenty minutes from Grays, where Remus had moved to a year before. Cassie had gone with Adeline to their old flat first, but the building manager had told her that he had moved. Luckily, Remus had left his new address to send the post to.

“You aren’t going to chicken out, are you?” Adeline’s voice made Cassie jumped, but she pretended she hadn’t. She frowned at Adeline.

“Why would I chicken out?”

Her friend sighed, smiling at Cassie, “Because I know you. You’ll convince yourself that it’s better for him if you stay away.”

Cassie had thought that, of course. That’s why she had left in the first place. But she couldn’t bear not seeing him. If she had to leave again to protect him and Alex, she would. But at least she would get to see him and make sure he was okay.

“I won’t. Plus, I’ve got you here to make sure I don’t.” Cassie joked, smirking. Adeline laughed, curling her feet up underneath her to sit criss-cross in her seat.

Cassie was glad Adeline had come along. She knew Cassie well enough to know when she needed a push or a pep talk. But more than that, Adeline had been able to keep Cassie’s mind off of James and Lily all day. Cassie knew she would normally have gone into her shell by now. She wouldn’t eat, talk, sleep; she wouldn’t do anything. But Adeline had somehow been able to keep her alive and functioning. Cassie only hoped she could make it last. Of course she knew eventually that Adeline would drain her energy and she’d have to stop. But until then, Cassie was taking advantage of not thinking about the events of the night before.

“You remember how August and I died, right?”

The question made Cassie freeze. She didn’t like talking about their death, the Angels. She’d told them how she had died, the first time at least. But they didn’t know about the other times and how Voldemort had basically possessed her to do his bidding. So the thought of all of them, including her, having died and come back freaked her out. She felt like she had cheated death too many times.

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