Chapter Seven

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On the side is another alternative cover for this story. Again, this one was made by @IAmSeverusSnape. If any of you like to make banners/cover/videos, feel free to send them to me. I'd love to see what you guys would make.


Far From Home

Chapter Seven


            Dear Diary,

            I met other Angels today. I’m both relieved, yet frightened. He’s chasing them too. That’s actually how we met. We are all running.

            There are four of them. Jasper seems to be the leader, as he’s the oldest. He’s dating Mae, who’s just a few years younger. Then August and Adeline are siblings, but August is older. I’m the youngest, but Adeline is older only by a few months.

            They were willing to let me into the group they had. They had assumed they were the last remaining Angels (aside from Derik and Jordan) as You-Know-Who is trying to rid the world of our breed. So we decided we should stick together. There’s power in numbers after all.

            I’m not really sure how I feel about living with these people I’ve just met. Mae and Adeline seem nice enough, but Jasper doesn’t act like he trusts me or wants me to be there. I told them my story, or some of it. Mostly just what You-Know-Who had done. I tried not to tell them too much about myself. I assumed the rest of them would have similar stories to mine, but it seems I’m the only one who was mentally abused and kidnapped by You-Know-Who. They all had their share of stories, of course, but You-Know-Who must’ve taken a particular interest in me more than them. Jasper didn’t like that.

            And August…well, he’s just August. I think I could grow to like him, but he definitely comes on strong. I’d barely even said my name and he was already flirting with me. Adeline promptly apologized for her brother.

            I guess it can’t hurt to stay with them for a while. If it doesn’t work out, they can’t stop me from leaving. At least this way I can have somebody else to watch my back. Maybe I will actually get some sleep.


            “Why didn’t you tell her?”

            Remus didn’t look up as he did the dishes. Alex and Callie had fallen asleep minutes before, while Shelby and Remus went back to their attempt at cleaning up after them.

            Shelby had taken a seat at the kitchen table, waving her wand to enchant the broom to sweep the floors for her. Remus could have done the same with the dishes, but he wanted the distraction.

            “Tell her what?” He replied to Shelby’s question. Remus knew who Shelby was talking about, but he didn’t want to talk about why he didn’t tell her.

            “You didn’t tell her that she had a nephew.” Shelby waited for a reaction or a reply from Remus, but he just continued scrubbing away at the dishes.

            He glared down at the plate covered in spaghetti sauce, scrubbing with more force than he should have. Shelby noticed, but didn’t mention it.

            “Remus,” She stood from the table, walking over to stand next to him, “I know you’re not exactly ecstatic about her being back, but don’t you think she should know about Harry?”

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