Chapter Fifteen

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Here's another chapter. I hope you guys like it :)


Far From Home

Chapter Fifteen




        Nothing went exactly what Cassie would call perfect after that. Things were better, easier maybe. But even with Jordan and Derik gone, things were still very complicated in their group of seven.

        Though Remus had come to terms with the fact that Cassie was staying, he hadn’t forgiven her. He told her it would take time for her to earn his trust back, and Cassie completely understood. She was just glad that she was allowed to be around him and Alex whenever she wanted. Shelby offered her a place at their house to live, but Cassie turned it down. She still didn’t want to leave the Angels behind, so she would stay with them in a small house they had rented out nearby.

        So, just like that, they were a family again. It was a crazy, messed up family, but it was still a family. Cassie was able to be around Alex and Callie whenever she wanted, and the other Angels came with her, sometimes. Remus and Cassie had told Alex about her true identity a week after the fight, and he seemed unfazed by it. If anything he just gave Cassie more hugs.

        Cassie liked the second chance she had been given. It wasn’t perfect, of course. Remus was still awkward around her. It was like they had just met and were getting to know each other all over again. It was a slow process, but Cassie was okay with that. The other Angels all loved the kids and enjoyed spending time with Shelby and Remus. It was like one, big extended family. The Angels had even begun looking for jobs, now that they didn’t have to run anymore.

        There were times when Cassie felt her new second chance life shaking around her. When Remus finally told her about the nephew she didn’t know she had, Cassie almost left again. That had been a lot to take in, and it was almost unforgivable to her that Remus had kept it from her for so long. But he had told her, and she was sure that took a lot for him.

        He forbade her to see Harry, and that was hard. Cassie had thought that every connection to her brother and her best friend was gone, but the idea of having a new family member was exciting to her. Remus, however, informed her that it was Dumbledore’s instructions. It was for Harry’s protection, and so Cassie listened.

        It happened again when August left. Jasper and Mae had been married the following summer, almost six months after their arrival in London. August had told everyone the day after the wedding that he needed some time to think; about what, Cassie wasn’t sure. So he left later the same day on a train leading somewhere in Scotland.

        Remus and Shelby said it was normal. They had all adapted to a completely different life with new people, of course he would want a break. But Cassie knew August better than them. He wouldn’t just leave because he needed space, that wasn’t like him. He hadn’t even taken up Adeline’s offer when she said she would go with him, and that definitely wasn’t like him. Cassie began to worry if he would ever come back. Luckily, he did. Two months later he showed up at the doorstep to their new home, and they all pretended like it had never happened. Cassie continued to wonder, however, what it was that he needed to think about.

        So aside from a few hiccups along the way, everything was fine. Cassie had a family again. Remus was still learning to trust her, but at least she got to be around him. Whether or not they were ever going to get married, at least she had her friend back. She got to watch Alex and Callie grow up, all the while living alongside the new family she had become a part of. It was her own version of perfection.

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