Chapter 29

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I woke up for the first time not screaming in Damens arms. It felt nice to actually get some sleep and not having to woken up. Actually, just being able to close my eyes was such a relief.

Maybe speaking to someone about this was actually helping. Told you so Angel snapped and I playfully growled back. Damen seemed to be content with his position so I quietly got up and walked to the bathroom.

I had to piss and badly! After I sat on the toilet and peed I washed my hands and all that stuff. I looked in the mirror for the first time in about 4 days and I looked like shit!

I had black bags under my eyes and my cheeks looked sunken in slightly. If this is what sleep provides then I will never NOT sleep again! I looked terrible and as for my hair!

It was beginning to create dreadlocks! I wasn't smelling the best either. I scrunched my nose in disgust and decided on a shower. I walked over to the shower and turned it on the hottest it would go.

After a minute steam started flowing out of the top and I smiled. This is what I needed a soothing shower. I stripped down and grabbed a comb from the closet.

I stepped into the steaming hot shower and loved the feeling of the water running down my back. After about 5 minutes of just standing there I put shampoo in my hair and let it sit.

I scrubbed my body clean and when I rinsed the soap off I rinsed my hair. I then put conditioner in my hair so I let it sit and shaved my underarms, legs and other things.

When I rinsed the soap off I picked the comb up and brushed the soon-to-be dread locks out of my demon curls! I rinsed my hair, scrubbed my face and rinsed. I made sure I was clean and turned the water off.

I looked out to see I had been in here for about 25 minutes. I grabbed one towel and wrapped it around my body, while the other I used to dry my hair. I didn't know what I wanted to do today, but I did know that I had to talk to cooper.

I felt better when I spoke to someone about what happened and cooper was the man I am going to. I know I should tell Damen but I didn't feel quite comfortable yet speaking to him about it all.

With my mind set I walked out quietly to see Damen still sleeping and a small smile creeped onto my face. He looked pitiful and I didn't like that at all.

I wanted to wake him up but I didn't have it in me to do it. So I walked over to my vanity mirror and sat down and continued to dry my hair.

After I deemed it decently dry and looking I just sat there and rubbed in my lotions. It felt nice to be clean and almost normal again.

At least looking like my normal self again. I glanced at the calendar and seen my next heat, or period, was due this weekend. Which today just so happened to be Friday.

Great, please note the sarcasm. I sighed and got up as I headed to our closet and decided to wear some jogging pants, a woman's wife-beater tank top and some vans for the day. I wasn't really going anywhere so I and no need for dressing up.

I walked out and grabbed some white laced bra and pantie combo and got dressed on my side of the bed. "Mmm now if I could wake up every morning like this I would be a happy man," Damen said.

I realized I was getting dressed in front of him and he seen my naked body as soon as his eyes opened. "So you mean to tell your not a happy man?" I asked with fake hurt.

Before I could even move he leaned over the bed grabbed my hips and pulled me down so that I had been forced to lay down.

Something in me was on alert and it triggered my memory. I whimpered slightly and gulped. I can't let that ruin my love life with my mate! "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Damen asked in a hurry.

I shook my head and smiled weakly, "No I'm fine, really." I assured him and with the help of Angel I was able to put the memory away. He nodded and leaned down slowly and smelled my neck.

"You showered?" he asked and I nodded slightly and he smirked "Naughty," he whispered and I felt his lips on my neck. I moaned slightly by the presence of his lips on my neck.

I forgot how wonderful being with Damen was. "When is your next heat?" he asked and I smirked "Tomorrow," I whispered and he growled as I nibbled on his ear lobe. "Good," he growled and I could feel him pressed against me.

"Damen," I whispered and he looked into my eyes with such love, understanding and patience. "To soon?" he asked and I thought about it. If I was suppose to be getting over the incident how was pushing Damen away getting over it?

It wasn't! I needed to be assured that Damen still loved me and that I still loved him. I shook my head with my mind made up and smiled up at his gorgeous face "No," I said and pulled him closer to me so I could whisper into his ear.

"Make love to me,"


It's been 2 hours since I too my shower and 2 hours of a lot of reassuring ourselves. Damen proved that he loved me way before this and he proved it yet again. Although I wasn't quite sure why I ever doubted him, or myself.

We laid in bed for a while both naked and content with each others hold. The feeling of our bodies chest to chest, hip to hip close and our skin making contact at every move.

"I love you," Damen whispered and I smiled with content, "I love you more,"

*•*•1 DAY LATER•*•*

All day yesterday Damen and I laid in bed making love, sleeping and just talking. It was a day I needed and the assurance Angel and I needed as well. It put me at ease to know that Damen wouldn't ever leave me.

I was pretty sure if I cheated on him he wouldn't leave me. Just kick the guys ass, be pissed off at me for a while, and then we would make up. Vice-Versa, only I would kill the bitch not beat her ass.

I woke up in the same position as last night. Still naked and still in Damens arms. I smiled and got out of his hold and stretched in the bed next to him. I did a type of groan mixed with a moan as I stretched because it felt so good to move my tight muscles.

Oh shut up I don't want to hear it! Angel snapped and I was surprised to hear her snapping at me with such aggression. She was probably in need of a long run or work out today. Thats probably why she was ill and snappy.

"Hey," I whispered to Damen as I shook his shoulders. "Damen," no answer. "Daamen," I lengthened his name and still no answer. I frowned and seen i still had my air horn in the closet on the top shelf.

With an evil grin I walked over to it and grabbed it. "Daaaaaameeeeen," I tried one last time and he groaned so I smirked. "I tried," and with that I pressed the button and Damen flipped out.




I pressed the horn twice and he ended up falling out of bed and I died laughing. "You are so mean," he said and I still hadn't stopped laughing.

"You're-haha- you're-haha face was-haha-" I didn't even bother finishing the sentence and I felt tears falling down.

2 minutes passed by and I had finally calmed down enough to talk again. "You're evil," Damen growled as he pulled me down to him. I straddled his waist and felt his solider starting to stand at attention at my presence of nakedness.

I moaned as I loved the feeling of him just touching me there. "Come here," he snapped in more of a demand than a request. I obliged though and didn't argue with him when he told me to come here.

I leaned down and kissed him hard. I felt his hands on my hips lift me up and slowly sit me down as he started to enter me for the thousandth time in the last 24 hours.

I gasped slightly as our bodies connected again and loved every second of it.

We made love on the floor next to the bed, neither of us wanting to move but we had to. "Come on get up," I said as I started to get up. "No!" he said as he grabbed my waist and rubbed his face into my back.

"You're such a kid! Now come on , up! We need a shower!" I demanded and he growled at me playfully and gave me a love bite on my neck before allowing us to get up.

"Can we share a shower?" he asked with a smirk and I just knew he wanted to go again. "Damn it Damen! We just had sex not even 5 minutes ago!" I said with fake anger.

He laughed and hugged me from behind as we walked to the bathroom, "I know but I can't get enough of you," he said between kisses on my neck, shoulder, arms, back and anything else he could reach right now.

"Mmm-mm, not this time! I really need to shower and I'm starting to get a little sore," I told him truthfully. He turned me around and looked concerned "Did I hurt you?" he asked and I smiled weakly and shook my head, "No it's just the constant back to back is starting to hurt a little."

He frowned and kissed my lips "Im sorry," he said and I smiled and pecked his lips again "Dont be! You didn't see me complaining did you?" I said and he chuckled and I turned on the water.

We stepped inside and actually washed our bodies.

After we both were clean we got out and dried off. I put the clothes on I was planning on wearing yesterday on today. Damen wore the same thing and it was creepy to see us wearing the exact same thing but for men and women.

"Cute," he said and I smiled. I started to walk and was feeling the effects of having sex all day yesterday taking affect. I winced at first in surprise and Damen frowned "Do you need to see a doctor?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No it's just I have my heat today and I'm sore. I just need some food, Advil and maybe some rest. I'll be fine," I assured him and he nodded as we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

We entered to find the family all sitting there eating breakfast and smirking. Well Cooper, Estelle, Colette, Mike, Dalton, Jake and Damien were smirking. Whilst my parents just shook their heads and began eating again.

"Thought I'd never see my sister again!" Dalton said with fake concern but his voice was laced with mockery and I stuck my tongue out at him. I made a plate of food and so did Damen.

"Wow eating for 2?" Jake said and I smirked "I didn't want you to find out this way," I whispered and put on a fake upset look and small tears creeping up. "OMGOSH! No way!" Estelle said and I wiped away the tears and put a weak smile on and nodded.

My mother was beaming and my father was growling. "Uh-Oh," was all I got out before my father had Damen by the neck and pressed against the wall. "DADDY! I was just joking! Im not pregnant!" I yelled and he pressed harder and I yelled "DADDY!" and he released Damen.

If it had been anyone else Damen would have taken him on but that's one thing with Damen. He won't hit a woman, fight my family and most definitely fight my dad!

"That was a sick joke, asshole!" Estelle snapped and I choked on my orange juice. "It was hilarious up until daddy," I said and he frowned but didn't say anything.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked and the girls shrugged "Lets go to the mall!" Colette said and I seen Mike frowning "Yeah! We can bring the twins and cooper!" I said.

Both Damen and Damien frowned and growled slightly. "Not you twins! My brother twins!" I snapped and I Stanton they were happy again and the other twins were okay with it.

"Alright lets go!" I said and we got up. I wasn't that hungry anymore so I scraped my leftovers onto Damens plate who ate it all.

"Lets go get ready!"












*hint hint*

(you're gonna want me to upload fast! so vote A LOT!)


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