Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

My smile didn't last very long after everyone left to pack for the trips. I didn't understand why they were packing already but who cared. At least they have a reason to smile anymore.

I'm not sure what is wrong with me and Damen but we aren't acting like real mates. Sure we are second mates but that shouldn't matter.

I sighed and walked back up my stairs to find that Damen had left. I was hoping I could see him to apologize but since the bastard didn't even bother to wait for me. Shaking my head I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

It was already 08:30 so I didn't plan on going to school. After I got in the shower and did all my lady things like shaving and waging my hair. 10 minutes later I deemed myself clean and got out. I wrapped my body up and flipped my head over and dried my hair barely with a hand towel.

I didn't care what it looked like so after I got dressed and it was wet, curly and actually decent looking I pulled it onto the top of my head and put it in an extremely messy bun.

I walked out of the bathroom not caring about what I looked like period. "Sweetie their are some people here for you." I heard my mother say from the bottom of the steps.

I didn't even bother replying and headed down the stairs. "Shh she's coming." I heard a male say and I followed the voices into the living room. "Umm can I help you?" I asked when I seen three teenage looking kids in my living room. It was two boys and a girl who all seemed nervous, well the girl did at least.

"Yeah we just moved to this pack and heard you are the chief of the enforcer" the older looking of the three said. He seemed cocky and confident and I didn't like that at all "And?" I snapped not in the mood for this.

"What my friend was trying to ask or more likely say was we wanted to become an enforcer." The second male said and I evaluated him and he seemed decent and sweet. Completely opposite of his so called friend. "No."

I said simply and began to walk away before they stopped and I heard them follow me. "But why not?" The first guy asked and I had walked into the kitchen. "First off I need names." I said not turning to look at them until they spoke up.

The first guy who I now was taking in his appearance had the normal blonde hair, blue eyes and amazing looking body that most females would go for. That explained his cocky attitude. He was good looking and he knew it. "My names Tyler." He said and I scoffed not impressed, not even a little.

The next boy who seemed like the sweet one had brown hair and blue eyes. He was good looking but the difference was he didn't know it. "I'm Caden and this is my twin sister Casey." He gestured to the girl. I now could see her and she also had the brown hair and blue eyes that her brother had. They looked very similar and now I could actually tell they were twins.

"Okay well my name is Willow. Now second I need reasons." I said now sitting down at the table with an apple and began to eat it. I loved apples and oranges well any fruit really. "I wanted to improve on my fighting skills." Tyler said and I looked at the other two "and you guys?"

Caden gulped and I seem him glance at Casey "We wanted to also improve on our fighting skills because we were well umm" he wouldn't say it and I was getting frustrated.

Until Casey spoke up "The bastards in our old pack picked on us and beat the hell out of me and Caden. We weren't taught how to fight and we never could defend ourselves. Now I want to learn how to fight properly so that won't happen again." She said.

I liked her to be honest. She was honest, pretty and damn well had a mouth and an attitude on her. She reminded me of me when I was younger in a way. I sighed and grabbed my folder from earlier and opened it up to my recruiting list.

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