Chapter 24

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Opening my eyes I seen a bright light. Maybe the goddess heard my prayer and took me away so I couldn't shame my mate. I felt hands on me and I couldn't tell wether if it was real or not.

I blinked and tried to looked around the light but it kept moving from eye to eye. What was this? Surely it couldn't be the goddess playing a joke.

I couldn't hear anything except a loud ringing and my voice was caught in my throat from pure dry agony. Wait? Agony? I was feeling pain. Well now at least I know I'm not dead. As for telling where I am I had no clue.

I heard faint noises as the ringing stopped and I felt myself breathing by it was very shallow and hurt like hell. Did hell really hurt? I know a lot of people use that expression but I haven't actually experienced it myself.

Hmm okay so I need a new saying. Oh I know hurt like cake! Mm I want some cake right now. Wait where am I again? Oh right on the verge of death. Wow I really am getting off track.

I need to focus on that voice right now. I needed to try and figure out why the hell this light kept moving. Kind of reminded me of a firefly. I felt myself smile and almost giggle at the thought of a firefly dancing.

Off track again. Right. Death and life. Death and life.

The light stopped and I was almost sure it had either been a fire- no just kidding I have no idea what that was. I heard speaking again except this time it was muffled like someone had their hands over their mouth.

Speak up I can't hear you!

Oh right they can't read my mind. I think I'm losing my mind. Is it possible to- DAMN IT! Willow stay on track here! I mentally noted that I needed to slap myself later and eat some cake. Damn it.

The muffling was getting louder and clearer as my vision was becoming clear-ish and not blurry like before. When my vision came back I noticed I was in a room. Great! Now I was going to be raped again and then hopefully killed.

I closed my eyes and tried to run them but felt my hand being held down. Panic started to fill my mind as I hoped it wasn't Levi. Or worse I was chained and injected again.

I snapped my head to my left hand and seen hands on mine. Wait? Hands? I followed the hand up the arm and met a really cute guy. Hmm he was to die for yummy.

Why was he even here again? Did I miss something here? I watched his lips move and heard almost a clear voice. "Im sorry say again?" I said now able to speak. "I said I missed you and I'm so sorry." the god spoke and I felt like I would melt away with just his voice.

"Who are you again?" I asked now confused. Who was this guy holding my hand. "Willow it's me." he said and I frowned "Who's willow?" I asked and I seen tears swell up in his eyes.

"Baby your Willow. Im Damen. Your mate." he said and I frowned "I don't have a mate." I snapped and seen him flench. "Im going to go get the doctor." he said and kissed my forehead as he got up.

I had to admit this guy was affecting me and he was yummy but my mate? Thats hard to believe seeing as how the last thing I remember was well actually I can't really remember anything.

I forced myself to remember my past and who I was but the only thing I was coming up with was well nothing. I heard footsteps and seen the god, Damen, walk in with a older looking guy dressed in a white cost and a glove on his left hand.

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